Looking at old bookmarks, found this. It’s very good.
Instructions for a bad day
Man, whatever that little hairy footed guy had in his pockets sure is rough on the digestive system. #thistooshallpass
In the journey of learning a new language, challenges can feel overwhelming, but remember: "This too shall pass."
Each struggle is a stepping stone, each mistake a lesson. With time and persistence, what once seemed impossible will become second nature. Keep going—you’re closer than you think.
Thank you for watching and invite you to learn more about my conversational course that will help break through any of your current barriers.
Just let me know in the comments and I’ll send you a direct message with more details!
Useless fact of the day: pendant, grosso-modo, le premier siècle des JO, il y avait une obsession de l’amateurisme. Seuls des athlètes amateurs purs pouvaient concourir, et on se livrait à toutes sortes de chasses aux sorcières pour débusquer les professionnels. #ThisTooShallPass
"One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's #Survival guide." - Brene Brown
50 days.
They all seem the same. Sometimes I forget what day it is.Sketching continues to keep me grounded.
#hospitalroomwithaview #momsjourney
#thistooshallpass #sketchingdiary
#adayinthelife #sketch
#anartistslife #moonsirens
These times are incredibly challenging, and sometimes it feels like there’s no end in sight.
The phrase “This too shall pass” takes on a deeper meaning during such times, doesn’t it?
It’s not just about weathering personal struggles; it’s about enduring collective hardships like war, uncertainty, and societal pain.
We’ll come out the other side stronger, wiser, and yes, with our new scars to bear.
I'm tired. I've got masses to do, across all my career areas, much of it with approaching deadlines and/or high stakes in some way, and to put the icing on the cake my printer chose today to stop working. #ThisTooShallPass
@geoffduncan Halfway through the post I thought the punchline would be "because I bought it!". But yeah you know #ThisTooShallPass
aaaaaaargh too many people! Guy here now to fit new kitchen blind. Him plus very talkative family friend and I'm wishing I could just evaporate into pure energy and escape through the air vents. #ThisTooShallPass #ChronicIllness #Disability #SensoryProcessingDifficulties