The adventures of a crazy trio whose motto was "we do anything, anytime, anywhere."
#GraemeGarden #BillOddie #TimBrookeTaylor (RIP)
#ThenAndNow #TheGoodies
The adventures of a crazy trio whose motto was "we do anything, anytime, anywhere."
#GraemeGarden #BillOddie #TimBrookeTaylor (RIP)
#ThenAndNow #TheGoodies
I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again … Again on stage in January 2020—and the final public performance of Tim Brooke-Taylor before COVID took him. #ISIRTA #TheGoodies #radio #TimBrookeTaylor
1440 days since Richard Herring did NOT ask The Goodies if they've ever tried to suck their own… …even Richard Herring wouldn't… …well he would, but he didn't.
(Or 3 years, 11 months, and 1 week.)
I have such fond memories of rolling this out as an improv bit in public with my mates Marty & Thomas. Invariably, the game would end when someone took it back to “primordial ooze,” after four or five rounds. #MontyPython #GrahamChapman #JohnCleese #MartyFeldman #TimBrookeTaylor #FourYorkshiremen