The F-47 fighter jet will be built by #Boeing? Fine if you want them falling apart in the sky I guess… #Trumpland
Trump pulls security clearance...
The F-47 fighter jet will be built by #Boeing? Fine if you want them falling apart in the sky I guess… #Trumpland
Trump pulls security clearance...
The F-47 fighter jet will be built by #Boeing? Fine if you want them falling apart in the sky I guess… #Trumpland
US ‘deletes evidence’ of Russia’s kidnap of thousands of Ukrainian children
Wann kommt eigentlich von eine #Reisewarnung für das #TrumpLand?
Kritik am handeln von #Trump führt offenbar zu einer #Einreisesperre, da hatte der Betroffene wohl mehr Glück als die die (wegen irgendwas anderes das niemand versteht) schon wochenlang in AbschiebeHAFT sitzen.
"Frankreich: #USA verweigern Wissenschaftler Einreise"
@hadon @65dBnoise @mcnado Certainly you have realised, that in the new #trumpland of America efficiency is paramount.
You don't need to do deep analysis of the federal government, by being a public sector employee you are by definition inefficient.
So why should they not apply new standards in legal practice too? See your skin is not snow white, too dark, so clearly you are a criminal, proof is in your skin colour.
So much faster than a trial with appeals. I wish I could say I was joking.
#Trump administration fails to provide legally mandated American Sign Language interpretation of briefings after placing deaf and hearing staff on leave “with plans for their termination”. #Trumpland #USCorruption #DEI #ASL
“To his credit #Roberts avoided joining with #Trump expressly, but the meaning of his speech act was plain: it was a public correction, if not a contradiction, of the president of the United States. It was a public rebuke.” #Trumpland #USCorruption
“One cannot tell the extent to which [JD Vance] is an unprincipled opportunist, a true believer, or just a very online guy. What we do know, however, is that he moves among a small circle of intellectuals who toy with dangerous, deeply un-American ideas.” #Trumpland #USCorruption
‘Tea shock’ is still better than Liz Truss’s effort of ‘tea sock’
#Trump is not using tariffs as a tool of economic policy (for which they have been disastrous), but to achieve foreign policy objectives. He threatens his opponents with increasing tariffs until they comply with his demands. #Trumpland #TrumpTariffs
“In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the U.S., or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” #Trumpland #TrumpIsARussianAsset
Klingt mal wieder wie ein schlechter Scherz.
Anbieter ausm #Trumpland...
Seufz, ich hätte gern mal ein Konzept, welches digitale Souveränität inkludiert...
Kurt Vonnegut once said “There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia.” But now it’s the US government that’s being organized along the lines of the Mafia, while the angels are sent to detention centres. #Trumpland
#Trump ...
The Great Leader of #Trumpland
does not know the difference between
#Transgenic and #Transgender...
and now
#MAGAs believe that...
>Transgender mices exist
The MAGAs in a nutshell .
You don’t pause intelligence sharing with an ally in the middle of a war. At this point we can only assume that the #Trump administration is doing the Kremlin’s bidding. #Trumpland #TrumpIsARussianAsset
Starmer: Trump’s commitment to Ukraine peace is sincere
Trump: pauses all military aid to Ukraine
#Trumpland #TrumpIsARussianAgent