I don't know much about this, but there will be a a four-day series of workshops on memoir. I think they're free, but there's an option to pay money to get more material. Check the link for more details. https://www.dirtymessyalive.com/schedule-public #WritingCommunity #WritingWorkshops #memoir
Thinking of delivering online workshops in freelance journalism. Anyone got recommendations for good platforms to use for this sort of thing?
#training #workshops #WritingWorkshops
Can you really use a free spot in a Crow Collective writing workshop? The tip jar is BRIMMING - please get in touch. No questions asked! https://crowcollectiveworkshops.com/2024/01/07/free-spots/
Ever read a prose piece and been blown away by the way the author has intertwined two story lines? Maybe half is a folktale, the other half is memoir, or half is Vulcan and the other half is emotionally resonant.
Whatever the case, braided prose can seem magical. But in reality it's just a trick that anyone can learn.
One of my favourite editors has started her own business, running writing workshops in Elora, Ontario!
If you're looking to start (or restart) your writing, you're in good hands with Colleen :)
#Canada #Writers #WritingWorkshops
Details here: https://www.elorawritingworkshops.com
Folks, we're getting closer! 58% of the annual Zoom and Calendly costs have been covered for Crow Collective - can we make it 80% today?
Low cost - ONE spot left - How do you write a story when you have no idea what it's about? Learn strategies for getting words down no matter how uninspired or uncreative you feel. Join Marion Lougheed Jan. 21 for "Beginning, Muddle, End: How to Write a Full Story": https://crowcollectiveworkshops.com/2021/11/02/plot-2/
#Writingworkshops And I’m teaching this Sunday 10/15 at the Rambo Academy! Join me in the morning for “Crimson Peaks and Melancholy Mansions: Writing Gothic Horror” and Cat Rambo in the afternoon for “20 Kinds of Terror” for the combined price of $99. http://www.kittywumpus.net/blog/crimson-peaks-and-menacing-mansions-with-catherine-lundoff/
Looking for some fun seasonal #writingworkshops? Take “Twenty Types of Terror” with Cat Rambo and “Crimson Peaks and Melancholy Mansions: Writing Gothic Horror” with me on 10/15 at the Rambo Academy for just $99! Details here: http://www.kittywumpus.net/blog/crimson-peaks-and-menacing-mansions-with-catherine-lundoff/
If you're part of the African, Caribbean, South, East, or South East Asian #diaspora, join #WalterScottPrize shortlisted Devika Ponnambalam, author of IAM NOT YOUR EVE, as she offers free creative writing workshops throughout October in #Edinburgh. Learn more:
#DevikaPonnambalam #WritingCommunity #WritingWorkshops @bookstodon
Lookie here what arrived over the weekend, my contributors' copy. Soooo grateful to the NY Writer's Coalition for putting together this anthology. Get yours today.
Nice article about the different kinds of writing workshops. https://open.substack.com/pub/litmagnews/p/what-makes-a-great-writing-workshop?r=fbnmh&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post #WritingWorkshops #WritingCommunity
Still plenty of time to sign up for my generative writing workshop at Tinker Mountain/Hollins U in Roanoke, VA this June! Scholarships available! All levels welcome! Details here: https://www.hollins.edu/academics/workshops-online-writing-courses/tinker-mountain-writers-workshop-residential/ #writing #writingworkshop #writingworkshops #YA #MG #kidlit #writer #writers
My project to promote local writers and writing communities, Moved By Words, will be tabling at Northwest Folklife @nwfolklife every day from 12pm to 6pm at the The Vera Project @veraproject and @KEXP Makerspace. Watch MovedByWords.org for details.
Still plenty of time to sign up for the Tinker Mountain summer residency at Hollins U in June. I'm leading a generative workshop for everyone and anyone who writes for teens/kids or wants to. Plus, you'll be able to sit in on craft talks on poetry, non-fiction, memoir, etc. #writers #writing #writingresidency #authors #author #writingclass #writingworkshops https://www.hollins.edu/academics/workshops-online-writing-courses/tinker-mountain-writers-workshop-residential/course-descriptions/
Anyone know of any good genre writing workshops/lectures (by this I mean the kind of few hours type of things not the multi day ones) run from the UK/Europe or anywhere really compatible with UK time? Would love to try to get some but a lot that I see are on US time and too late in the day for me. Appreciate any boosts so I can maybe reach some people who might have recs. Thanks all!!!
Abierta la convocatoria para mi próximo taller literario, sobre formas experimentales e híbridas de escritura. El taller es virtual. Toda la información en el enlace.
#TalleresLiterarios #TalleresVirtuales #WritingWorkshops #Literatura #Escritura #EscrituraExperimental
Next Tarot Tuesday workshop this week. Join me for fun and inspiring Tarot themed prompts, dedicated writing time and supportive feedback.
This weekend: #MarsConMpls
Next weekend: #RosemountWritersFestival - teaching with @Jenniegoloboy and tabling on Saturday.
#RamboAcademy on Sunday: teaching No More Lone Wolves: Writing Characters in Community! There’s still room for a few more signups! #writingworkshops #onlineclasses http://www.kittywumpus.net/blog/class-no-more-lone-wolves-writing-characters-in-community/