When #geriatricians explain that the person with #Alzheimer disease and his #caregiver represent one single entity to #care...
#AD #Health #Neurology #Medicine #Hackman #Geriatrics #Frailty #Social #IntegratedCare #MedMastodon

When #geriatricians explain that the person with #Alzheimer disease and his #caregiver represent one single entity to #care...
#AD #Health #Neurology #Medicine #Hackman #Geriatrics #Frailty #Social #IntegratedCare #MedMastodon
Communication avec les personnes ayant des troubles neurocognitifs #alzheimer : prochaines séances pour artistes, proches aidant·es et pros : "dialogue verbal" mardi 18 mars à 15:30 ou 18:00, "mouvement / #Feldenkrais TM vendredi 28 mars à 15:30 ou 18:00, etc. A #clermontferrand #cultureetsante
L'Anorexie mentale = mutation génétique (#stress excessif pendant ère plasticité cerveau ? #pollution ?) + formation excessive d'habitudes (réponse à un stress ingérable) -> mécanisme régulé par le striatum dorsal, situé dans le #cerveau = déficit du neurotransmetteur acétylcholine (cf aricept #Alzheimer).
-> troubles de l'alimentation.
1. 94% of Germans won't buy a #Tesla.
2. My two Senators (from #California) voted no on cloture.
3. Was interviewed by an amazing high school senior who plans on studying neuroscience and finding a cure for #Alzheimer's. Inspirational.
1. 94% of Germans won't buy a #Tesla.
2. My two Senators (from #California) voted no on cloture.
3. Was interviewed by an amazing high school senior who plans on studying neuroscience and finding a cure for #Alzheimer's. Inspirational.
Hackman and Arakawa’s dog likely died of dehydration and starvation, report says https://www.inbella.com/951341/hackman-and-arakawas-dog-likely-died-of-dehydration-and-starvation-report-says/ #Alzheimer'sDisease #animals #ArtsAndEntertainment #BetsyArakawa #dementia #DeniseWomackAvila #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #GeneHackman #GeneralNews #Health #JoeyPadilla #LungDisease #NMStateWire #pets #SantaFe #U.s.News
A HS student emailed me out of the blue to do an interview as part of her capstone project on #Alzheimer's. I spoke w/her about #brain science & #caregiving. She's 18, her family has the #APOE4 gene - a risk factor for the disease - & she will study neuroscience to find a cure for Alzheimer's. She's smart, determined, & I had chills listening to her story and her passion. The senseless, fascistic #NIH cuts are imperiling the potential, the future of people like her, & our own.
A HS student emailed me out of the blue to do an interview as part of her capstone project on #Alzheimer's. I spoke w/her about #brain science & #caregiving. She's 18, her family has the #APOE4 gene - a risk factor for the disease - & she will study neuroscience to find a cure for Alzheimer's. She's smart, determined, & I had chills listening to her story and her passion. The senseless, fascistic #NIH cuts are imperiling the potential, the future of people like her, & our own.
Teil 24 meines Logbuchs über das Leben mit Demenz ist erschienen:
"Unser Törn ins Vergessen"
#biografiearbeit #mitdemenzleben #demenzeinfachverstehen #demenz #demenzmitleichtigkeitbegegnen #alzheimer #pflegendeangehörige #lebenmitdemenz #menschenmitdemenz #demenzworld
Gene Hackman’s estate asks court to block release of death investigation records https://www.inbella.com/949695/gene-hackmans-estate-asks-court-to-block-release-of-death-investigation-records/ #Alzheimer'sDisease #AmandaLavin #APTopNews #BetsyArakawa #CAStateWire #Constitutions #Courts #dementia #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #GeneHackman #GeneralNews #Health #HeartDisease #HIStateWire #JuliaPeters #LawEnforcement #LungDisease #NMStateWire #politics #SantaFe #U.s.News
Is skipping breakfast bad for you? Experts weigh in https://www.diningandcooking.com/1952115/is-skipping-breakfast-bad-for-you-experts-weigh-in/ #Alzheimer'sDisease #breakfast #diets #Food&Drink #health #Mediterranean #MediterraneanBreakfast #MediterraneanDiet #wellness
Vanaf vandaag nieuw goede doelen account van #RouteYou geactiveerd. Super blij. https://www.routeyou.com/nl-be/user/view/1622546 #goededoelen #goededoel #alzheimer #wandelingen #wandeling #Parkstad
In #BrainAwarenessWeek, take a deep dive into the impact of IMI and IHI projects on #Alzheimer's disease
#IHITransformingHealth #HorizonEU #health #research #dementia
■ Los investigadores piden fijarse en la respiración para la detección precoz del alzhéimer ■ Un reciente estudio realizado por investigadores británicos y eslovenos pone el foco en la oxigenación cerebral.
■ Revelan la fruta anti Alzheimer oculta en el escudo de España ■ Destaca por su alto contenido en antioxidantes, vitaminas C y E, y potasio.
Promoting Heart Health May Reduce Neurodegenerative Disease Burden https://www.byteseu.com/820029/ #Aging(developmentalBiology) #Alzheimer'sDisease #Biomarkers #BodyMassIndex #CardiovascularDiseases #Health #MolecularDx #News&Features #PrecisionMedicine #topics #TranslationalResearch
If you are in the Palm Desert area on March 28, please consider coming to the Joslyn Center where I'll be talking about #Alzheimer's: #Grief, #Guilt, #Memory, and #love. I will discuss the many years it took to get the diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's, his suffering, our pain, what I wish I knew when he was sick, & the importance of sharing our experiences.
If you are in the Palm Desert area on March 28, please consider coming to the Joslyn Center where I'll be talking about #Alzheimer's: #Grief, #Guilt, #Memory, and #love. I will discuss the many years it took to get the diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's, his suffering, our pain, what I wish I knew when he was sick, & the importance of sharing our experiences.
Científicos galegos crean un videoxogo para a detección precoz do alzhéimer e da demencia
Autor: DUVI