Many Protoplanetary Disks Aren't Much Bigger Than Earth's Orbit
"'The observations also show that these compact discs could have optimal conditions for the formation of so-called super-Earths, as most of the dust is close to the star, where super-Earths are typically found', Sanchez said. Super-Earths are similar to Earth in many ways, but can be up to ten times more massive than our home world. This could explain why low-mass stars seem to have so many super-Earths and why they're the most common type of planet in the Universe.
In contrast, stars with larger disks seem to produce more Jupiter- and Saturn-sized worlds, but no super-Earths. So, what does that say about our Solar System? The team's survey seems to imply that our collection of planets was born in a large protoplanetary disk. That's because we have Jupiter and Saturn and we only have a 'regular-sized' Earth. 'This research provides a fascinating link between the sizes of observed planets and the sizes of observed protoplanetary disks,' said van der Marel, also of Leiden Observatory."