Your video posts about #jackieandshadow & their #eaglets brought to mind your #babysquirrel adventure that you shared last spring! Wondering if you kept up with Ramone? I guess he’s not a baby anymore ..
Your video posts about #jackieandshadow & their #eaglets brought to mind your #babysquirrel adventure that you shared last spring! Wondering if you kept up with Ramone? I guess he’s not a baby anymore ..
It is Friday, after another geopolitical week of #fear, #turmoil & #chaos driven by #Trump’s #RevengePolitics. As such, I may be guilty of endeavoring to cleanse both my heart/mind/timeline.
And because I am not involved in any primary beauty, here is another #JackieAndShadow video.
[Last year at this time I posted hourly #BabySquirrel (click) updates. Thankfully–for them–none have need rescuing yet]
@MarkRDavid @Aviva_Gary unfortunately no updates since handling my sweet #BabySquirrel Ramone off. They had a lot of squirrels & said it was difficult to be certain which was which.
@Aviva_Gary of course. The more people I meet, the more I love my dog. I’m a proud rescuer of critters. You can check out my #BabySquirrel rescue by clicking the hashtag.
I miss this litter bugger
Precious — he is so helpless and you are so gentle. Thank you for sharing all your tender moments with #Ramone.
May many orphaned baby squirrels be lucky enough to find foster parents like you and Linus! #babysquirrel
@harriettmb @kianga so since rescuing my #BabySquirrel “Ramone” I learned that red squirrels often make their nests in crawls spaces, basements, under porches places like that. Could it be that the squirrel trying to get into your house made a nest somewhere inside & is trying to get to her babies?
Yesterday was the last day with my #BabySquirrel #Ramone .
My #rescue dog Linus & I drove several hours to bring him to a licensed #wildlife rescue org.
I woke him early to get him well hydrated before the long drive.
Of course there’s a last video for all of Ramone’s fans…
TLcleanse #BabySquirrel #Ramone fix
I found a wildlife org that can take him.
It’s going to seriously break my heart to let this little guy go, but it’s what’s right for him.
He’ll get to be w/other squirrels & be reintroduced to the wild properly
He’ll have a #squirrel life, not a domestic one.
I am bringing him tomorrow
Adjourned. Thank goodness.
Dog & #squirrel call.
(Huh, close as I’ve ever come to actually saying “moose & squirrel”)
So #RhonaGraff’s testimony not that big of a deal at all. Other than placing #StormyDaniels in #Trump’s orbit.
#BabySquirrel break
Before court resumes, enjoy a #BabySquirrel Ramone clip to cleanse your palate …
Clearly he’s a Red #Squirrel,
The stripe on his nose & the newly developed ear wings prove it.
I’m back. #BabySquirrel Ramone is totes fine, he’s just getting — well squirrelly — so he’s currently in old purse the size of a deck of cards, lined w/old fleece & slung around my neck.
this is where we are now:
“If yer doin stuff, I want to do stuff too.”
It’s a fair complaint. I’m not his superior, just the safety belt in our scenario.
Resuming #TrumpTrial blow-by-blow (nonintentional pun)
I’m so sorry people, but Ramone is making a whole lot of fussy noises so I’m gonna go check that out.
Forgive my lapse in coverage.
#BabySquirrel is high maintenance
Okay, after feeding/hydrating/bathing/drying/loving #BabySquirrel Ramone, my #TrumpTrial coverage is back on. Thank goodness they recognize adoptive #squirrel parental rights [obviously I’m kidding]
#BorisEpshteyn, Trump's #illegal adviser who was indicted yesterday in #Arizona, is here.
#Epshteyn is *aggressively* using his cell phone, which is #barred in #court. #CourtOfficers who patrol #journalists & others from doing the same aren’t enforcing the restriction on him.
Yeah, this is #perfection in a nutshell [ouch, painful #pun intended]
Video to flesh out Ramone’s finger puppetry moments:
#TLcleanse / #BabySquirrel update:
Today, after his bath, Ramone announced his intention to pursue a career in finger puppetry.
I am supportive.
The arts are an incredibly important way for entities to responsibly express themselves.
for new followers, Ramone burst into my life in the middle of my Trump trial jury selection reporting last Thurs.
Click on #BabySquirrel to follow all things Ramone.
Where it started:
cc @harriettmb
[meaning, yer only way of marking time will be the color / intensity of the light — just like Ramone & me; I currently live where “thar be dragons” … so … yeah]
Things I love in this video:
a. how Ramone instantly falls asleep when I give him a belly-rub.
b. the way he grips my thumb even through the cloth
c. where we are in our relationship -- a place of trust