Livestream Starting!
If you wanna find out live if you won our #Enamorus #EliteRaid prize, tune in!
Livestream Starting!
If you wanna find out live if you won our #Enamorus #EliteRaid prize, tune in!
In a shocking development, Regieleki Elite raids at 11am today went without a hitch. #pokemonGo #EliteRaid #Regieleki
We never got that special timed research task after successfully completing our RegiDrago raid.
But after reading all the horror stories in the article, I consider our group very very lucky in comparison.
A Community Retrospective on #Regidrago #EliteRaid Weekend: What Went Wrong | #PokemonGo
Very, very happy to catch a #RegiDrago in a #PokemonGo #EliteRaid today It took us 7 tries before a decent raid team formed.
And on top of that, I was down to my 3rd ball before my trusty #pidgey buddy caught the #pokemon with a headbutted great throw!