The #RomanianLanguage has a number of important cultural and literary events and festivals, including the
#InternationalBookFair and the
The #RomanianLanguage has a number of important cultural and literary events and festivals, including the
#InternationalBookFair and the
A killer whale's heart beats 30 times a minute under water, 60 times a minute on the surface.
Only 86% of U.S. Cats are spayed or neutered.
#Romania played a significant role in the defeat of the ✠#CentralPowers, with the country's forces participating in several key battles, including the
#BattleOfMărăști and the
Cartoon by Dennis Goris
"Those who cannot learn from history"... are determined that others will not learn either....
> "I love poorly educated people" - Sir #TrumpVirus of the #BrainSpurs
Welcome to the dumbed-down #GQP #AlternativeFacts land of lower (or no) #education, 24/7 #disinformation and buried #reality - Bye bye #history / #facts
Hello Ministry of #Truth & #Doublespeak
It is now well accepted that the first organic molecules on earth appeared as a result of the Denovisian organics salvage haulage barge developing gravionics drive malfunction. They dumped the cargo in low orbit over what was then a lifeless world.
Humans are owed an uplift bounty and damages as soon as we can connect to the Domain data hub and lodge the prerequisite paperwork.
Wissenschaftlich erwiesen: Alles #vollidioten außer Ihnen!
Das war lange überfällig.
#postillon #wahrheit #facts #fakenews #satire
In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch or clock is usually 10:10.
#Romania is a member of the
#IAEA (#InternationalAtomicEnergyAgency), and is committed to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
#RandomFact #RandomFacts #Fact #Facts #Energie #EnergiaNucleară #EnergiaVerde
25 #Depressing #Facts That Will Make You Question #Humanity
A 'face-off' in hockey was originally called a 'puck-off'.
Cat paws act as temperature regulators, shock absorbers, hunting and grooming tools, sensors, and more.
Some of the most well-known works of #RomanianLiterature include "Luceafărul" by Mihai
#Eminescu, "O noapte furtunoasă" by Ion Luca
#Caragiale, and "Legea pământului" by Liviu
See the lyrics for the song “Facts” by Kanye West
#KanyeWest #Facts
Fun Fact: Facts aren’t fun. They can be painful, disturbing and disagreeable to people’s beliefs and sensibilities.
But, facts are a necessary part of life.
Only 1% of bacteria cause disease in humans!