Turkey Fry Guys donate $200K to Gingerbread House | News https://www.byteseu.com/760740/ #Gingerbread #GingerbreadHouse #Turkey
Christmas Cookie Champion offers twist to festive treats https://www.diningandcooking.com/1842715/christmas-cookie-champion-offers-twist-to-festive-treats-6/ #AndreaDeGortari #christmas #ChristmasAppetizes #ChristmasCookies #ChristmasDesserts #ChristmasDinner #ChristmasDinnerRecipes #ChristmasFood #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasSides #Gingerbread #HolidayDesserts #horror #santa #TheBakeHappening
Are there any #GreaterBostonArea #bakeries that specialize in #gingerbread? Other than a very famous obvious one whose owner thinks it's appropriate to sell #DonaldTrump #inauguration propaganda cookies. I am sorry for the bakers who work for her, but I don't want to support the business at this time because of this. I remember #TatteBakery has good gingerbread but they've got some immigration drama now. Drama is tame compared to this other bakery, imo.
Christmas Cookie Champion offers twist to festive treats https://www.diningandcooking.com/1813359/christmas-cookie-champion-offers-twist-to-festive-treats-5/ #AndreaDeGortari #christmas #ChristmasAppetizes #ChristmasCookies #ChristmasDesserts #ChristmasDinner #ChristmasDinnerRecipes #ChristmasFood #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasSides #Gingerbread #HolidayDesserts #horror #santa #TheBakeHappening
Christmas Cookie Champion offers twist to festive treats https://www.diningandcooking.com/1808944/christmas-cookie-champion-offers-twist-to-festive-treats-4/ #AndreaDeGortari #christmas #ChristmasAppetizes #ChristmasCookies #ChristmasDesserts #ChristmasDinner #ChristmasDinnerRecipes #ChristmasFood #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasSides #Gingerbread #HolidayDesserts #horror #santa #TheBakeHappening
A friend had mentioned to me that people were making ice cream sandwiches with the #gingerbread cookies from #HarbourGalley . Well, that sounds like a good idea to try. I figured vanilla ice cream would go best so as not to add too many additional flavors (though vanilla bean would have been better), so I got a cup from #GibsonGirlIceCreamParlor . #HolidaysBeginHere #Disneyland 1/2
Eating the treats I bought for Xmas, in the new year. The chill darkness outside, countered by spiced biscuits and tea. A crescent moon overhead.
Christmas Cookie Champion offers twist to festive treats https://www.diningandcooking.com/1801724/christmas-cookie-champion-offers-twist-to-festive-treats-2/ #AndreaDeGortari #christmas #ChristmasAppetizes #ChristmasCookies #ChristmasDesserts #ChristmasDinner #ChristmasDinnerRecipes #ChristmasFood #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasSides #Gingerbread #HolidayDesserts #horror #santa #TheBakeHappening
"Glacier" teableau for 12/30/24
I have visited glaciers that are noticeably smaller now than when I was there. My son has photographed polar bears in the wild in places where they are now less likely to be. Meanwhile, the pace at which mitigation of climate change progresses is... glacial.
Christmas Cookie Champion offers twist to festive treats https://www.diningandcooking.com/1797834/christmas-cookie-champion-offers-twist-to-festive-treats/ #AndreaDeGortari #christmas #ChristmasAppetizes #ChristmasCookies #ChristmasDesserts #ChristmasDinner #ChristmasDinnerRecipes #ChristmasFood #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasSides #Gingerbread #HolidayDesserts #horror #santa #TheBakeHappening
@ClaireLamman IMG! That’s fantastic! My holidays are better for this #gingerbread #voyager Is the plaque on there?
Baba Yaga wishes you a happy and not at all threatening holiday season.
My mum found Marley a #gingerbread house for #Christmas thankfully she likes it
This is a silly comic that I made for Christmas several years ago: https://scottboehmer.com/2024/12/24/project-gingerbread/
@RickiTarr continuing on the theme, some gingerbread decoration for the Christmas Eve. Finland outline cutter and inspiration from the original image in this thread. #christmas #gingerbread #diy happy holidays!
Festive greetings from me to some of you. #politics #news #capitalism #marxism #gingerbread #christmas #xmas
It's that time of year at EPCOT, which means Olaf from 'Frozen' is once again collecting seasonal traditions from around the world (including these gingerbread men from the Canada Pavilion) as part of Olaf's Holiday Tradition Expedition Scavenger Hunt. #EpcotHolidays