#otd #startrek #atasteofarmageddon #kirk #spock #mccoy #anan7 #robertfox #mea3 #ByAnyOtherName #Kelinda #rojan #hanar #voyager #spiritfolk #janeway #chakotay #michaelsullivan #seamusdriscol #StarTrekPicard #disengage #picard #7of9 #raffimusiker #jackcrusher #worf #riker #captainshaw #vadic #startrek58 @startrek @startrekonpplus
#otd #startrek #thereturnofthearchons #kirk #spock #mccoy #landru #firstlawgiver #returntotomorrow #drannmulhall #sargon #voyager #tsunkatse #janeway #chakotay #tuvok #7of9 #therock #startrek58 @startrek @startrekonpplus @jerilryan @therock
For #BlackHistoryMonth, #TechHub has changed our Info-Page Banner to include #ElijahMcCoy.
This isn't an amazing image, just something I threw together for @nicdex to put up, because I felt that putting up Elijah #McCoy's picture reflects who we are, what we stand for, and our thoughts on the world today.
Elijah McCoy's parents escaped from #enslavement in the #US in the early-1800s, gaining asylum in #Canada, and he was born in #Ontario in 1843. Being what we would now consider a "gifted" child, his parents saved money to send him to Scotland to study #engineering when he was 15.
He returned to the US after the Civil War, but could not find work as an engineer due to #racism and #segregation practices: anti-#discrimination programs like #DEI and the #EEOC, had not been established, so opportunities for even the most qualified #black men were scarce, passed up for even less qualified #white men.
#otd #startrek #TomorrowisYesterday #kirk #spock #mccoy #johnchristopher #voyager #virtuoso #janeway #chakotay #emh #startrek58 @startrek @startrekonpplus
#otd #startrek #thesquireofgothos #kirk #spock #mccoy #trelane #apieceoftheaction #krako #kalo #tepo #tas #thejihad #startrek58 @startrek @startrekonpplus
Fundstück der Woche:
"Öh, ich wusste nicht, dass er geladen ist!"
"Gee, I didn't know it was loaded"