Urheberrechtsstreit um "Flowers": Richter lässt Klage gegen Miley Cyrus zu

Jury rules Moana did not infringe, Ed Sheeran lawsuit appealed to the Supreme Court, and judge questions Miley Cyrus motion to dismiss.
Miley Cyrus’ Bid to Dismiss ‘Flowers’ Lawsuit Challenged by Judge https://www.inbella.com/945336/miley-cyrus-bid-to-dismiss-flowers-lawsuit-challenged-by-judge/ #BrunoMars #CelebritiesTopics #controversy #copyright #CourtsAndCrime #MileyCyrus
Letra da música “Goodbye” de Miley Cyrus
#MileyCyrus #Goodbye
Paroles de la chanson “Party In The U.S.A.” de Miley Cyrus
#MileyCyrus #PartyInTheUSA
Miley Cyrus ‘Flowers’ Music Video House Sells for $5 Million https://www.inbella.com/939488/miley-cyrus-flowers-music-video-house-sells-for-5-million/ #CelebritiesNews #HannahMontana #MileyCyrus #MileyCyrusBong #MileyCyrusGossip #MileyCyrusLapDance #MileyCyrusNews #MileyCyrusUpdate #MileyRayCyrus
@beisbolcards Yes, it is the original. I think, I didn't know #DominicPurcell before, but I just learned, that he's Australian, was born in England and his the stepfather of #MileyCyrus - interesting. I smile, every time, I read that surname, because it translates to piglet in Romanian. I kept stumbling upon a 19th century bishop in Ohio by that name while researching some immigrants from Black Forest and it somehow stuck. #genealogy
I get that Miley loves the original song to death, but it’s a courtly sort of love, an unconsummated, strictly platonic affair — by which I mean that she should have fucked more with it. Talked dirty to it, as it were.
#EveryRoseHasItsThorn #MileyCyrus #Pop #Song #Analysis
■ La foto de Miley Cyrus y Selena Gomez en 2025 que parece un spin-off ‘Hannah Montana’ ■ La imagen de las dos estrellas en los Premios Oscar podría formar parte de la famosa serie de Disney Channel
■ Miley Cyrus y Selena Gomez juntas en los Oscar 2025: el reencuentro soñado por toda una generación ■ Esta imagen se suma a otras icónicas de estos premios, como el selfie de Ellen DeGeneres en 2014
Veja a letra da música “Who Owns My Heart” de Miley Cyrus
#MileyCyrus #WhoOwnsMyHeart
Miley Cyrus goes for bleached eyebrows and goth glam on Oscars 2025 red carpet https://www.inbella.com/932205/miley-cyrus-goes-for-bleached-eyebrows-and-goth-glam-on-oscars-2025-red-carpet/ #AlexanderMcqueen #awards #beauty #CelebritiesTopics #CelebrityNews #Fashion #MileyCyrus #music #musicians #Oscars #Oscars2025 #REDCARPET #style
Confira a letra da música “Prisoner” de Miley Cyrus
#MileyCyrus #Prisoner
Miley Cyrus’s “Handstand” is the strangest, most schizophrenic masturbation song I’ve heard so far, and that includes Flyleaf’s “The Kind,” which advocates self-mutilation over self-gratification.
#Handstand #MileyCyrus #Pop #Song #Lyrics #Analysis
Check out the lyrics for the song “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus
#MileyCyrus #WreckingBall
Paroles de la chanson “Prisoner” de Miley Cyrus
#MileyCyrus #Prisoner
Veja a letra da música “Malibu” de Miley Cyrus
#MileyCyrus #Malibu
Seriously I'm against banning words unless they're hate related, but Daily Prompt asked which I'd ban for everyday usage Here's two of my least favorite #QOTD #Words #WordsCanHurt #MileyCyrus #EleHenderson #JustForFun #writerscommunity #funread #music #bekind #NoHate #WordsCanHeal #TuesdayThoughts