So here's the new Gallup poll saying 9.3% of US adults now identify as LGBTQ+, with younger generations far more likely to. It makes intuitive sense that identification goes up when social acceptance goes up. The same thing happened with left-handedness in the early/mid 1900s.
But younger generations are also the least likely to respond to phone calls for random sample polls. Last year before the election, I became convinced that traditional representative polling is all but dead, because no one answers unknown calls anymore. The alternatives - opt-in or online polls - aren't representative, hence not reliable. Maybe a solution will be found someday but we ain't there yet.
So the rational response to the LGBTQ+ poll, and any recent poll, has to include skepticism. Not because we don't want the
trends to be true, but because selection biases and other problems are extremely hard to avoid. My data-less gut says the upward trend is true but the specific numbers should have come with very big ±.