Happy MAR10 Day! To celebrate we are playing Mario Party Island Tour!
Happy MAR10 Day! To celebrate we are playing Mario Party Island Tour!
https://www.wacoca.com/games/1095293/ キングダム ハーツ 3D ドリームドロップディスタンス (2012) 日本語オープニング ##GAMING #3DS #animation #anime #Disney #DreamDropDistance #english #HikaruUtada #japanese #JRPG #KH #KH3D #KH3D #KINGDOMHEARTS #KingdomHearts3d #KingdomHearts3DDreamDropDistance #Nintendo #Nintendo3ds #PS4 #RPG #SQUAREENIX #キングダムハーツ3D
Nintendo to end 2DS, New Nintendo 3DS, & New Nintendo 3DS XL repairs in Japan (UPDATE):
End of an era
apenas puedo creer que 3ds cumpla 14 años.
Today we are taking on the Battle Maison in Pokemon XY with the Kalos starters!
Happy 14th Anniversary to Nintendo 3DS!
This console released today in North America
I like the design, has 3D features, Streetpass, Miiverse (Same goes to Wii U), has camera, and a best gaming titles I've ever played (I don't have 3DS), Nintendo eShop (Which goes to first)
Non capisco perché, visto che sono 14 anni e non un numero decente tipo 15, ma oggi tutti stanno parlando del fatto che è appunto tale anniversario dell’uscita del #Nintendo #3DS (in Giappone, ovviamente, perché le altre date non fregano a nessuno). Che belli che erano i tempi del 2011, che ormai non torneranno mai più, e che rimpiango nonostante non avessi ancora un 3DS mentre miei coetanei si… ormai sto diventando tremendamente vecchia, e da un lato ne soffro, ma dall’altro è bene, così forse muoio e vaffanculo a questa tortura.
Beh, ad ogni modo: io sarò vecchia, ma il 3DS no, che ancora ci offre quasi illimitato divertimento e dovrebbe perciò venire decisamente più onorato nel nostro mondo. Ricordate, NON è retrogaming. Di tutte le sue specialità, però, #StreetPass e i relativi giochini restano insuperati ed unici nel loro genere… per favore (non sono l’unica a chiederlo), facciamo rinascere quella robina… https://streetpassresearchclub.wordpress.com
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Wenn du dich nach einer Ewigkeit endlich mal dazu durchringst, das kaputte Schiebepad deines Nintendo 3DS auszutauschen und aus dem Gerät, das du bis eben noch auf dem Sofa aufgeladen hast, voll Schrecken einen aufgeblähten Akku fischst...
@wyatt I read your post and began to fear that I had misnamed my Game Boy and Game Boy Advance ports of 240p Test Suite. https://github.com/pinobatch/240p-test-mini
"#240p" means 256x240 on an #NES, 320x240 on a bunch of devices, or 400x240 on a #Nintendo3DS Top Screen. And in analog video, it even ends up including devices like #MSX and #NintendoDS that generate roughly System M timings (15.7 kHz by 60 Hz), even if the top and bottom borders are so thick that only 192 lines actually have picture. (#GameBoy and #GBA don't count as "240p" because their horizontal frequency is lower.)
Hey lovely techie people! I am trying to archive an abscure 3DS game that doesn't have much info on it from my own 3DS hardware - that's all fine, I have decompiled the ROM! Feeling good!
However, I have a bunch of .ANIM files and i am wondering if there is a way to convert them maybe to gif, or if there is a software to open them in and then convert to gif?
My searching through years of old forums are getting me nowhere!
Never had a 3DS but this video on StreetPass is getting me hyped for mine to arrive
#Nintendo3DS #StreetPass #Nintendo
I Tried 3DS StreetPass For 365...
Creator of Dicey Dungeons, VVVVVV and Super Hexagon launches a big freeware collection - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/creator-of-dicey-dungeons-vvvvvv-and-super-hexagon-launches-a-big-freeware-collection #Terry'sOtherGames #ActionAdventure #PlayStationVita #DiceyDungeons #TerryCavanagh #superhexagon #SinglePlayer #Nintendo3DS #Platformer #CardGames #Freegames #Strategy #Sideview #Android #Nicalis #Arcade #VVVVVV #Puzzle #Rhythm #Indie #Mac #iOS #RPG #PC