Heute vor 21 Jahren wurde ich ordiniert.
Kirche und ich.
Es war und ist ein harter Ritt.
Aber ich habe meine Nische gefunden.
Heute vor 21 Jahren wurde ich ordiniert.
Kirche und ich.
Es war und ist ein harter Ritt.
Aber ich habe meine Nische gefunden.
Ich war letztens bei den Augenärztys zur Kontrolle. Bin im Grunde sehr zufrieden dort, weil sie sehr organisiert, gründlich und vor allem schnell sind.
Das Wartezimmer rotzt, hustet und niest als abwechslungsreicher Chor. Die Dame am Empfang, zu der ja alle gehen müssen und die alle eCards nimmt und alle Verordnungen überreicht, hustet besonders kräftig und melodisch tief, trinkt dazwischen aus einem großen Häferl Tee, und ist gut auf den Tag vorbereitet von Taschentuchpackungen und mehreren Thermoskannen umgeben.
Außer mir hatte noch eine der Fachkräfte in einem Untersuchungszimmer eine Maske auf, sonst natürlich niemand irgendwo. Wenigstens wissen inzwischen alle, dass es möglich ist, bei einer Augenuntersuchung die Maske aufzulassen, und ich musste das nicht mehr diskutieren.
NHK Japan : Thai Bhikkhunis Struggling for Recognition
Was the Buddha against women's ordination? with Ayya Soma
https://youtu.be/-L94QmTs-b8?feature=shared #Buddhism #Buddhist #Theravada #bhikkhuni #ordination #BuddhistInsights #AyyaSoma #EmptyCloud
#Clarksburg #pastor #speaks after #UnitedMethodistChurch removes #restrictions on #LGBTQ #community.
The decision passed 523 to 161 and came among other similar #decisions by #leaders which included the #removal of a #ban on the #ordination of #homosexual #clergy and to #allow #clergy to #perform #samesexweddings.
Interview with Ayyā Somā on the importance of removing barriers for women wishing to ordain #bhikkhuni #theravada #Buddhist #ordination #AyaSoma #Acquaviva #Buddhism https://mailchi.mp/55a9ddf49551/a-place-for-everyone-an-afb-interview-with-ayy-soma
#Celibacy, women's #ordination, #homosexuality: in-depth discussions on the "hot potatoes" have so far failed to materialise at the #Synod23 on Synodality. #Bishop Meier is certain, however, that these topics will be on the agenda next year.
#DignityWashington holds #Catholic #mass in #honor of #woman #priest.
#LGBTQ #group #celebrates its #support for #ordination of #women as #priests.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #WashingtonDC #Religion #Misogyny #Patriarchy
Hanging out at #WashingtonNationalCathedral for the #Ordination of #CarrieSchofieldBroadbent as bishop of Maryland and waiting for final processional instructions. The best part of the waiting is the smell of #Incense.
#EpiscopalLiturgy #HolyMoments
Waiting on people to show up and then I’m driving the Saint John’s Fun Bus to DC for the ordination & consecration of our new bishop. This is, THANKFULLY, my last trip to DC.
#Episcopal #Ordination #Liturgy
Great talk and discussion with Ven Canda , Venerable Upekkhā & Ajahn Brahmali: "Debate on Women, Gender & Non-self" made available by the Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project - a pioneering project working to establish the first Theravada Bhikkhuni Monastery in the UK where women can train towards full ordination.
https://youtu.be/gria__9MLho #DhammaTalk #Dhamma #Theravada #Buddhism #Anukampa #Bhikkhuni #AjahnBrahmali #ordination #VenerableCanda
Via Buddhist Insights : There are very few bhikkhunis (female monks) in Europe. Help us change that! https://www.facebook.com/donate/964175024586268/590962739731778/ #bhikkhunis #bhikkhuni #ordination #Buddhism #Theravada #Buddhist #fundraiser
New Hajibabaei lab paper by Joe Rudar!
"Decision Tree Ensembles Utilizing Multivariate Splits Are Effective at Investigating Beta Diversity in Medically Relevant 16S Amplicon Sequencing Data"
Read about a new method for ordination & identifying ASVs that impact clustering. The ensemble method here uses different approaches to make (non-linear) splits in the data for an overall better representation of the data.
Bonus #FollowFriday suggestion - I'm excited to see the #UniversalLifeChurch is officially on Mastodon!
I'm hoping to build a congregation in #Minnesota (online & mobile ministry) in 2023!
Making homemade chicken soup & thinking out loud about...
• False hopes
• More cover-ups
• Unnecessary battles
• Mass exodus
This wonderful memory popped into my timeline this morning! #Ordination #CofE #ThoughtsFromSwallowBarn
We join the faithful in celebrating the 38th anniversary of Bishop Silvio José Báez’s priestly ordination. Here's a homily excerpt: "The best expression of faith in the Risen Lord is not to forget the victims and to place ourselves at the service of the crucified."
Read more quotes from the bishop:
For the first time in the contemporary history of Bangladesh, six Bangladeshi Theravada women were fully ordained as bhikkhunis.
https://www.buddhistdoor.net/features/buddhist-womens-orders-return-to-their-ancestral-motherlands-first-international-theravada-bhikkhuni-ordination-in-bangladesh/ #Theravada #Buddhism #Bhikkhuni #Ordination
Wanna be a cool #minister like me? The #UniversalLifeChurch will #ordain anyone, for free!
We believe in doing "that which is right," and that each person has the responsibility to determine what is right for themselves; as long as it is non-fraudulent & does not infringe on the rights of others. #ULC #ReligiousLiberty
This is NOT an instant #ordination at a click; an actual person reviews the applications before approval to ensure its not a joke/pet's name.