Anyone need some split core current transformers?
Up until about five years ago, I worked for an energy metering company. They did a warehouse cleanup and got rid of tons of material, including hundreds of CTs for AC current measurement. I snagged all of those (and used some for my own home metering) but I still have probably 200 floating around.
I've got split cores rated for 50A up to 6000A or so, and physical sizes from about 1/2" ID to 8" ID (the larger ones are flexible rope style). Mostly rated for 0-333mV AC output but there may be some oddballs in there (like 0-500mV, maybe a couple 4-20mA).
I need to clear up some space, so I was thinking $20 plus shipping per CT, maybe with a bulk discount if you get five or more? Some of these retail for $100+ so if I have something you need it could be a good deal! Most of these are lightly used in a testing environment.