No One Seems to Get It
Spoiler alert, here comes another political bitch fest. You’ve been warned.
I don’t get why so many people don’t seem to understand this. People are looking to the US courts to keep the orange shit clown from destroying our country. Why? Haven’t these people been paying attention?
The supreme court of the fascist states of america gave the sitting president immunity from all prosecution for any actions taken while in office. That means the sitting president can literally do whatever he wants without any repercussions. Why then do so many people think that a court ruling against him will have any affect? The court says he can’t just deport anyone he pleases? Fine. He’s immune from prosecution so he ignores the court ruling. The court says he can’t rescind birthright citizenship? Fine. He’s immune from prosecution so he ignores the court ruling. The court says he can’t cancel aid payments that congress passed and a previous president signed into law? Fine. He’s immune from prosecution so he ignores the court ruling.
The federal government is gone. The supreme court saw to that with the immunity ruling. The constitution of the united states is gone. The supreme court saw that that with the immunity ruling. We are living in a dictatorship now where the president has absolute power and can do whatever psychotic thing he pleases and there is nothing we can legally do about it.
Why are so many americans having such a hard time realizing this? It is as clear as an azure sky of deepest summer. It is as clear as an un-muddied lake. It’s like when the trade federation dude asked Darth Sidious if his blockade was legal and Sidious said he’d make it legal. The orange shit clown doesn’t need to make his bullshit legal, the supreme court has already done that for him.
Enjoy your new dictatorship, citizens of the former united states. We’re stuck with it now.