Caught in the act bullying at Pret A Manger:

Caught in the act bullying at Pret A Manger:
Bad Behavior at Medical Conferences Prompts New Rules - Medscape - February 11, 2025
#ProfessionalConduct #RespectfulDiscourse #MedicalProfessionalism #MedicalCulture #WorkplaceBullying
#MedicalLeadership #MedicalWorkplaceRespect
The industries most affected by #WorkplaceBullying are retail, healthcare, hospitality, education and technology/IT.
Finding out my brother died AND was already cremated, via email. #Podcast Interview:
Links to Pret A Manger issues incl. ongoing mislabelling, mouldy food, customer deaths & injuries, lawsuits, systemic workplace bullying, £800,000 fine after staff in freezer, wage theft, hiked prices for lower quality, bad press, £700 million debt, Club Pret coffee subscription changes, board room shake-up, new shops in INDIA with severe bullying, workplace bullying behind the facade across the company etc. etc. etc.
Severe bullying and hostile work environment in the newly 2023 opened Pret A Manger INDIA - Khan Market, Delhi in particular:
Former Pret A Manger Staff blog with links to
Pret issues
Follow via Mastodon search
Exposé on Pret A Manger by former staff with links to Pret issues;
The real reason for body cameras in Pret A Manger: <--
Links to Pret A Manger issues incl. ongoing mislabelling, mouldy food, systemic workplace bullying, £800,000 fine after staff in freezer, wage theft, hiked prices for lower quality, bad press, £700 million debt, Club Pret coffee subscription changes, board room shake-up etc. etc. etc.
Pret A Manger Year 2023 in Review:
It's called coercive control, and if lead investigators at research universities dont like how it applies to their treatment of graduate students and post-graduate candidates, they should take a good long look in the mirror to see if their conduct perpetuates a system that violates Title IX implicitly and borders on violating the 14th Amendment.
Are you a Brit living abroad suffering from homesickness?
Read this article for instant and comprehensive relief!
Tory MP Peter Bone hit and abused staff member, watchdog says | Conservatives | The Guardian
My post on Medium this week:
In today's competitive corporate world, it's not uncommon to encounter toxic personalities in positions of power, including those who appear to have psychopathic tendencies. Here are some survival strategies to cope if you cannot simply leave.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: California, New York AGs Will Investigate the NFL Being a Miserable Place for Women #Jezebel #organizationalretaliatorybehavior #employmentdiscrimination #houseoversightcommittee #hostileworkenvironment #workplacebullying #discrimination #humanbehavior #socialissues #jenniferlove #letitiajames #prejudices #law2ccrime #dansnyder #workplace #labourlaw #robbonta
@DrKathyChandler @ChrisMayLA6 I would also add go to your Union, or join a union if you haven't already (or encourage your workplace to recognise a union -easier in some countries than others I know). Unions were set up to protect workers. Even if you don't belong to a union they are still able to give advice. When you have a union on your side you are not alone.
In a world that glamorises stress, ‘burnout’ is a badge of honour. But there is a cure
Pretending wellness is a matter of personal choice is a convenient way for society to uphold systems of oppression
Kotaku: Activision Did Nothing Wrong, Will Pay $35 Million Settlement #gaming #tech #kotaku #securitiesexchangecommission #blizzardentertainment #videogamepublishers #videogamecompanies #activisionblizzard #wallstreetjournal #business2cfinance #workplacebullying #sexualharassment #gilbertcasellas #cdflaborlawllp #whistleblower #joechristinat #paulhastings #bobbykotick #skaddenarps #videogaming #activision
Bullying is loathsome & unacceptable. But the stupid thing about workplace #bullying is that it doesn't even achieve its aim, which is usually supposed to be 'getting results' or 'getting the best possible performance', as it means staff lose confidence & morale and become emotionally exhausted: #ukpolitics #workplacebullying #DominicRaab