In light of the paper from Geoffrey Supran, @rahmstorf, and Naomi Oreskes showing that #Exxon predicted #GlobalWarming extremely accurately between 1977 and 2003, contradicting their decades of #ClimateDenial, this exchange between Rep. AOC and Exxon scientists is worth revisiting.
@davidho @rahmstorf
So do they also have that extremely efficent electric car patent hidden behind locked door like some people have claimed for decades?
@davidho @rahmstorf Thanks for posting this short questioning of Exxon scientists by AOC.
@davidho @rahmstorf Just read about this exchange the other day, extremely interesting! Thanks for sharing!
What are we going to do with them? I mean, the actual human beings involved in this. One of them later became Foreign Secretary fCs. Some US states still have the death sentence. Appropriate for their crime against mankind and our civilisation. But not nearly enough. The accumulated family wealth has to be removed, too, until proven that family members did actual own work towards buying a specific house or whatnot.
They're murderers. Serial killers for their personal monetary and status gain. And in that, worse even than most of the prominent Nazis who did it for the alleged common good of their Volk und Vaterland.
It'd be unbearably immoral letting these murdering psychopaths and their offspring continue to roam freely. Nowhere should be safe for them.
#Exxon #ExxonKnew
@rahmstorf @davidho
OMG. This all they’ve got?
Go to for #Socialism
@davidho @rahmstorf when was this?
@davidho @rahmstorf it really pays off to get legislators that aren't bought and paid for.
@davidho @rahmstorf
#HouseOversightCommittee hearing on Oct. 28, 2021:
" to immediately stop the expansion of fossil fuel production, #BigOil executives are seeking to #greenwash their activities and continue to mislead the American people about their role in this crisis [#ClimateCrisis] .”
#MahyarSorour's, "deputy legislative director of the #SierraClub, [2021] statement in response to the executives’ testimony in the House Oversight Committee hearing on #ClimateChange.
Many of these facts...
...had already been known since the Oct. 23rd, 2019 "House oversight subcommittee on civil rights [hearing, which had taken place] just a day after #ExxonMobil began a trial in New York City over misleading investors on the business risks from government rules meant to address the climate crisis,..." caused by the 2015 "...publication of an investigation by #InsideClimateNews , the #LosAngelesTimes and the #ColumbiaJournalismSchool."
And now, let this graph sink in and ask yourself why the #US's government has not been able to do anything about this, in particular since the disastrous #SCOTUS ruling #CitizensUnitedVsFEC?!?
Once you have done that, a third hearing has now taken place by #Congress that examines that fatal connection in more detail, the #SBC, led by its Chairman, Senator #Whitehouse:
@HistoPol @davidho @rahmstorf You can bet they hired PR companies and other agencies to create some of these campaigns as the oil companies wouldn't necessarily have the communications expertise and structure to do it all in-house.