Introducing usernames and phone number privacy on Signal!
We’re making it possible for people to connect with each other without having to share phone numbers. Now launching to beta users, available for everyone soon.
1. New default: Your phone number will no longer be visible in Signal
2. You can create an optional username to connect without sharing your phone number
3. You can enable a new, optional privacy setting to require people to connect with you via username instead of phone number
A Signal username isn't the profile name that’s displayed in chats, and isn't visible to the people you chat with on Signal. A username is simply a way to initiate contact on Signal without having to share your phone number. (You still need a phone number to sign up for Signal.)
Create a username by going to your Settings > Profile. Your username must be unique, and can be changed at any time.
To connect with someone via username instead of phone number, type their exact, unique username.
We’re launching these updates to our beta users now, and will be turning them on for everyone running the latest version of the Signal app soon. Our goal is to listen to your feedback, make adjustments, and ensure phone number privacy on Signal is easy and useful for everyone.
You can sign up for beta to test these features. Note that Apple caps the number of iOS beta testers, and we have reached that limit. If you use Signal on iOS, you can get around this by signing up for Desktop beta, linked to your iOS account. See more:
@signalapp Hello Signal. Is it still the case that Signal no longer functions as a 'normal' SMS app? Loved it when I could use Signal for that as well as secure comms.
@bytebro @signalapp that hasn't worked for months... (a year maybe?) doubt it's ever coming back.
@mosttoast @bytebro
I thought they deliberately got rid of it because it can't be secure, and then it dilutes what the app is recognized for.
@kauffy @mosttoast Sure, I get that and I'm not criticising them at all, but it was great having a tidy app which did both...
@bytebro @kauffy @kauffy
I get why they made a decision, imo when it comes to the network effect of 'which app do i use for e2e messaging?' most people already use whatsapp, so now i have 3 apps, and guess which 2 i use the most? the 2 everyone else already uses. it was nice having the signal exist as a 'default sms drop in replacement' but now it exists as a whatsapp replacement. I digress anyway, guess It still bothers me. hope it works out well for them, truely.
@bytebro @mosttoast
Agreed. At the time, I think I didn't mind, because the SMS part (iirc) was underfeatured. Since ditching SMS, Signal has come along nicely as a chat app. Narrowing focus helps, I guess. Why isn't there a phone Trillian?
Yes, SMS was removed, and for good reason.
Everything is a tradeoff innit.
Yes, they had good reasons to remove it, but they also had good reasons to keep it, and had to choose between the two sets of good reasons.
Personally I think the reasons to keep it were better than the reasons to get rid of it, but hey it's not my company...
Yeah, I basically don't use Signal since they killed that feature.
I don't have the mental space to remember which people use Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. etc.
When I could use Signal as the one app for sending text messages, and it would know to send secure ones to people who also used Signal, I sent a decent percentage of my text messages securely.
Now I just send 100% SMS because the app that always works isn't Signal anymore.
@bytebro @signalapp because you assume that SMS with Signal is secure but that in fact it is totally not, this feature was removed.
This is cool. Just tried it out.
Couldn't get why I have a digit on my username (@myusername.35) ?
@falsafa @signalapp
It's cause they want to add a security feature kind of and many more people with same username
@falsafa @signalapp
You can join here If you want to its an Unofficial signal community
Make sure to hide your phone number before joining in privacy settings
@Satya8806 @signalapp Thanks,
I think I will peep in Excellent. Thanks.
It's been the reason I have not used #Signal, as I don't always want to share my mobile number
I do not like the requirement for two digits at the end of a username. Messy It should be a choice.
@daj @signalapp we'd run out of usernames eventually
Like any service! Optional digits or be more creative with the username.
So many people will use their birth year, or date. Which I think is a step towards a security risk
@daj @signalapp once a username is created it can never be used again but you can move on to another. Eventually putting digits at the end will be mandatory anyway as all usernames would be used up. Yeah, like any service.
Using your argument, in theory, two digits is not enough. There are more than 99 Davids I would bet. LOL We're very common
@daj @signalapp you can have up to 4 digits and as they get used it'll expand Only lets me type two.
Anyway, we are where we are with it. I'm not a fan but I am a nobody, just a user.
UPDATE: I mis-understood the error. I entered 001 and it rejected, however it's actually rejected a double zero (oddly), and I can use more digits.
Not that I know anyone on Signal to message! LOL
@daj @signalapp @Drew "a choice intended to help keep usernames egalitarian and minimize spoofing. Usernames can be changed as often as you like, and you can delete your username entirely if you prefer to no longer have one."
"Usernames in Signal are designed to be easily changeable. For example, you can make a username to connect with people at a conference or to plan a group trip. Then, when it’s over, change it if you want to."
@signalapp will you have any more test flight spots?
It is a good start but not enough! I think signal without any phone number ( example registration ) will be better privacy choice.
@signalapp Will people still be able to find me via my phone number if I want them to?
@Magess @signalapp yep (covered in the post)
@signalapp Hey just fyi, there doesn't appear to be any way to rename or annotate contacts that are added without a phone number because I can't just change them in my Contacts
This means that when I have 4 Mike's with no avatars and the message history has disappeared, there's literally no way to distinguish my good friend Mike that I don't talk to very much and the abuser Mike that I can't just block
This is a dangerous design decision
@signalapp (Also "turn disappearing messages off" isn't a solution, because periodically I need to delete my entire Signal history because it fills up my phone and there's no way to manage Signal disk usage on iOS)
@signalapp thank you. This is an excellent change, long awaited and very welcome.
Is the feature live jet? I'm using Signal, Betaversion all available updates installed. How do I set a username for my account?
@signalapp Finally....
@signalapp Thats cool, but it would be even cooler if you haven't required phone number at all (even for registration).
@signalapp Can't wait for this feature. Too bad I'm not a beta tester.
@signalapp this is so cool and genuinely useful
@signalapp Finally users can establish a contact by scanning QR codes.
Previously it involved retyping a phone number or creating a group and scanning a group QR code as a workaround.