@HeatherMJ has ordered me* to have a more silly timeline. So here is a new series of really poor jokes that I came up with the other day. Blame Heather.**
* No she has not. I'm being deliberately obtuse claiming that.
** Really don't. Blame me.
Which historical royal blew out all her competitors in the 1549 International Twerking Competition?
— Mary Queen of Squats.
Which historical royal outdrank everyone at the 1551 Tequila Consumption Competition
— Mary Queen of Shots.
Which historical royal was an absolute master of irrigation?
— Mary Queen of Floods.
Someone told me there was a bawdy joke too. But I really can’t think of it.
Oh, you just did?
Naughty you!
Which historical royal always won high-stakes games?
— Mary Queen of Odds.
Which historical royal was terribly hard of hearing?
— Mary Queen of Whats.
Which historical royal failed abysmally in the 1550 International Fireworks Competition?
— Mary Queen of Duds.
Which historical royal led the pantheon?
— Mary Queen of Gods.
I have broad enough shoulders for that! I'm now trying to think of something silly enough x