#Ukraine June 18, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS1 for today
#WarInUkraine D+480 (18/06) PdS1 - Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
attack on the entire front line, including sectors where the offensive initiative is
Is this preparation for the long-awaited main offensive movement?
Time machine,
If you've lost the thread, go back to chronicle N°CDLXXIX of #GuerreEnUkraine
(in French)
Unroll available on Thread Reader
in blue, change to
in red, change in favor of
for details, see development by sector below
Loss ratio evolves unfavorably for
Offensive begins to show its human and material cost
Casualty ratio falls from 1.58 to 1.21 since the southern offensive and from 1.02 to 0.78 after recovery, loses more equipment than
, which is normal
sector 1/in the #Bakhmut direction, no tactical gain
(i) #Bakhmut northern salient, and
assault repulsed
In the #OrikhovoVasylivka axis, at the top of the northern salient, assaults repulsed
In the #Yahidne axis towards M-03, assaults repulsed
(ii) #Bakhmut city, NTR
(iii) #Bakhmut southern salient, assaults repulsed and
very marginal tactical gain
In the #Maiorsk axis, very marginal tactical gain between CSD and T-0513
sector 2/in the #VelykaNovosilka direction, no tactical gain
#AFU have brought in several elite battalions and the glorious 93rd mechanized brigade to reinforce the 7 (23rd, 31st BrMe, 47th BrAr, 35th, 37th BrMa, 3rd and 4th BrB) already in place.
(ii) on the central axis towards #Staromlynivka, assaults on #Urozhaine so far without effect
(iii) on the right flank, in line with #Novodonetske, NTR
(ii) In the #Vassylivka axis, assaults with uncertain outcome
would have entered #Pyatikhatky but without controlling the colony, which would be in the gray zone
What is the tactical value of #Pyatikhatky?
It commands access to the T-0812 which joins the M-18 north of the #Vassylivka crossroads and has the advantage (and danger) of passing between the
It will be difficult to control as it is dominated by the high
(iii) In the #Verbove axis, assaults halted
In this sector of the front, the battle is also fought trench by trench
In this area, the fire supports and their counter-battery resources must be reduced.
here, ground artillery reconnaissance station SNAR-10 "Leopard" destroyed
It's also very important to destroy the drones
units, which are much more proficient with this new weapon than they were at the start of the conflict.
There are major movements of troops and equipment from the Russian rear to the front
Note: The variation in the area controlled by in the #Verbove axis (-12 km2) does not correspond to a concrete military movement but to an independent map adjustment.
@applepie110101 Major? That's two tanks on trailers and 10 + a couple of other vehicles in the other... Back at the start of the war there were these very long trains with many times that...
Come on ! Major for this time of the war, and this is one video, an illustration, it doesn't represent all movements.