#ChaunceyDeVega & #JohnGartner on Trump's cognitive deterioration. "Any reasonable person can see that something is wrong with Donald #Trump’s behavior. Many Americans have direct experience w/relatives, friends, & other people they care about who have been or are afflicted w/some type of brain disease re: to aging. For the American news media & other gatekeepers & agenda-setters to deny the obvious about Donald Trump is a willful decision to ignore the facts & reality."
"...dementia worsens all personality disorders, including malignant narcissism, which is one of the worst personality disorders a human being can have. It’s difficult for us to even imagine a Trump ten times more paranoid, agitated, and impulsive than he already is. His judgment was always terrible, but Trump is heading towards a cognitive cliff where he will lose the capacity to form a coherent judgment of any kind."
@cindyweinstein For the love of God he has been like this since birth. Thatan has the cognitive capability of a fetus