Good morning. 

12 December 2024
Charlie is in here just sitting next to my chair. They both do that, though Ben isn't here right now. I did a sleep study last night; I left here a little after eight yesterday evening and was home before six this morning. It was mildly interesting, sleeping with a bunch of wires connected to my head and body, who came up with that? I saw myself in a mirror this morning before the nurse removed the wires and wow. If not for the wires, I might have passed for a zombie, but with the wires perhaps a rough looking Frankenstein. Maybe I was receiving a download, I better put my tin foil hat today. Hmmm ... I think I left the book I was reading on the bed.
“Your suprachiasmatic nucleus communicates its repeating signal of night and day to your brain and body using a circulating messenger called melatonin.” - Matthew Walker