La part superior de l'oreneta cua-rogenca europea (Cecropis rufula), on crida l'atenció el carpó claret, vermell pàl·lid als adults i blanc ocraci els juvenils #ocells #ocellsdecatalunya #birdsoftheworld #cecropisrufula
La part superior de l'oreneta cua-rogenca europea (Cecropis rufula), on crida l'atenció el carpó claret, vermell pàl·lid als adults i blanc ocraci els juvenils #ocells #ocellsdecatalunya #birdsoftheworld #cecropisrufula
Oreneta cua-rogenca europea (Cecropis rufula), abans considerada subespècie de C. daurica. De molts intents, ahir vaig obtenir alguna foto prou bona... Ja n'heu vist?
#ocells #ocellsdecatalunya #birdsoftheworld #cecropisrufula
African blue tit (Cyanistes teneriffae) #AfricanBirds | #AfricanBlueTit #CyanistesTeneriffae | #BlueTits #Tits #TitFamily #PerchingBirds
: Photo by ChristianBodhi
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Un becplaner (Platalea leucorodia) en vol: podem saber que es tracta d'un exemplar juvenil pel color negre de la punta de les ales, entre d'altres característiques.
#platalealeucorodia #ocells #ocellsdecatalunya #birdsoftheworld
Malayan banded pitta (Hydrornis irena) #AsianBirds | #MalayanBandedPitta #BlueTailedPitta #HydrornisIrena | #Pittas #PittaFamily #PerchingBirds
: Photo by kokholam
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus) #SouthAmericanBirds #CentralAmericanBirds | #KeelBilledToucan #SulfurBreastedToucan #RainbowToucan | #Toucans #ToucanFamily
: Photo by hbieser
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Western cattle egret (Ardea ibis) #EurasianBirds #EuropeanBirds #AsianBirds #AfricanBirds #SouthAmericanBirds #CentralAmericanBirds #NorthAmericanBirds | #WesternCattleEgret #ArdeaIbis | #CattleEgrets #Egrets #Herons #HeronFamily
: Photo by Beto_MdP
#birdsoftheworld #birds
New addition! Grey shrikethrush (Colluricincla harmonica) #AustralianBirds #NewGuineanBirds | #GreyShrikeThrush #ColluricinclaHarmonica | #ShrikeThrushes #WhistlerFamily #SongBirds
: Photo by pen_ash
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) #AfricanBirds | #NorthernBaldIbis #HermitIbis #Waldrapp | #OldWorldIbises #BaldIbises #Ibises #IbisFamily #WadingBirds #WaterBirds
: Photo by depaulus
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Plum-headed parakeet (Psittacula cyanocephala) #AsianBirds | #PlumHeadedParakeet #PsittaculaCyanocephala | #AfroAsianRingNeckedParrots #OldWorldParrots #Parrots #Parakeets #ParrotFamily
: Photo by balouriarajesh
#birdsoftheworld #birds
I managed to get out to the Oare Marshes nature reserve for the first time in years this lunchtime! I was rewarded by my first sight of a great egret (Ardea alba) which used to be a rare sighting in the UK prior to 2012 (when they first began breeding here) #birdsoftheworld #UKbirds #birds #Kent #UK
Steller's jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) #NorthAmericanBirds #CentralAmericanBirds | #StellersJay #CyanocittaStelleri | #CrestedJays #Jays #CrowFamily
: Photo by Tim_Tonic
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum) #EurasianBirds #EuropeanBirds #AsianBirds | #PygmyOwls #TrueOwls #Owls #OwlFamily
: Photo by Erik_Karits
#birdsoftheworld #birds
New addition! Southern giant hummingbird (Patagona gigas peruviana) #SouthAmericanBirds | #SouthernGiantHummingbird #PatagonaGigasPeruviana | #GiantHummingbirds #Hummingbirds #HummingbirdFamily #Nightbirds
: Photo by Keishpixl
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Double-barred finch (Stizoptera bichenovii) #AustralianBirds | #DoubleBarredFinch #OwlFinch #StizopteraBichenovii | #Finches #EstrildidFinches #PerchingBirds
: Photo by Gaz_Chapp
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Yellow-billed stork (Mycteria ibis) #AfricanBirds #MadagascanBirds | #YellowBilledStork #MycteriaIbis | #AfricanStorks #Storks #StorkFamily #Waders #WaterBirds
: Photo by KiekieKie
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Japanese pygmy woodpecker (Yungipicus kizuki) #AsianBirds | #JapanesePygmyWoodpecker #PygmyWoodpecker #YungipicusKizuki | #Woodpeckers #WoodpeckerFamily
: Photo by Kanenori
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) #NorthAmericanBirds | #NorthernCardinal #CardinalisCardinalis | #Cardinals #CardinalFamily #Songbirds #PerchingBirds
: Photo by Frank_DiLorenzo
#birdsoftheworld #birds