Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) #AfricanBirds | #NorthernBaldIbis #HermitIbis #Waldrapp | #OldWorldIbises #BaldIbises #Ibises #IbisFamily #WadingBirds #WaterBirds
: Photo by depaulus
#birdsoftheworld #birds
Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) #AfricanBirds | #NorthernBaldIbis #HermitIbis #Waldrapp | #OldWorldIbises #BaldIbises #Ibises #IbisFamily #WadingBirds #WaterBirds
: Photo by depaulus
#birdsoftheworld #birds
#Ibises are #native #birds who have changed some of their native ways #binchicken #amazingnature
Scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) #SouthAmericanbirds #Caribbeanbirds | #ScarletIbis #Ibises #Waders #Waterbirds | #birds #birdsoftheworld
Photo by NicoVermylen
New addition! White-faced ibis (Plegadis chihi) #NorthAmericanBirds #CentralAmericanBirds #SouthAmericanBirds | #WhiteFacedIbis #Ibis #Ibises #WadingBirds | #birds
Straw-necked ibis (Threskiornis spinicollis) #Australasianbirds #Australianbirds #NewGuineanbirds #Indonesianbirds | #StrawNeckedIbis #Ibises #Waders #GenusThreskiornis #FamilyThreskiornithidae | #birdsoftheworld #birds
Red-naped ibis (Pseudibis papillosa) #Asianbirds #Indianbirds | #Ibises #Threskiornithidae | #mybirdcards #birdcards #birds
#BirdsOfMastodon #birds
We explored the Western fringe of The #Straits near #Barbate with guests from Naturetrek Wildlife Holidays yesterday
Here we encountered Northern Bald #Ibises, just-in noisy and delightful Collared #Pratincoles, Woodchat #Shrikes, Eurasian #Wrynecks, Iberian Yellow #Wagtails, Greater Short-toed #Larks, Audouin’s #Gulls and more !
The daredevil flight to save #rare #birds.
"It was mid-August, and Barbara Steininger, an Austrian biologist, was sitting in a rattling ultralight aircraft, flying across southern Germany. To her far left she could see a second aircraft and in it her colleague, Helena Wehner, a German geographer. Between them, flying in a perfect V formation, were 35 bald ibises: large, black, striking-looking birds with long beaks and halo-like tufts of feathers."
Cool news of the day
A #biologist is teaching #endangered #birds new #migration paths from #Austria to #Italy - by flying there with them in a 3-wheeled car with a propeller & parachute-like canopy
The #NorthernBaldIbis (#Waldrapp) were extinct in the wild 50yrs ago, but thru careful reintroduction, #JohannesFritz has rewilded 277 #Ibises & since 2004 has been teaching migration paths (changed over the years b/c of #ClimateChange) to help them get through the winter
Iconic #Ibises
"We destroyed their #habitat, so they adapted to our habitat."
Car crashes, bad diets and tree falls are killing Sydney's #ibises and WIRES wants your help.
In Australia the Ibis is relegated to feed from #garbage bins, due to #HabitatDestruction.
Elsewhere the #Ibis was sacred to and associated with Thoth the God of wisdom and #Writing.
#Birds #Insects #Freshwater #Wetlands #Cars #Dogs
Image: Public art, #Bellingen
A #photograph of a large group of #birds at Wells Park in #Melbourne, #Florida, which features a large pond where #ducks, #ibises, #doves, and #corvids.
Wells Park is behind a library in central Melbourne.
#photography, #WellsPark