I'm NOT suggesting Mary Jones the Bible was a time traveller (or a witch). But if she was, she could have made at least some effort and used an alias every now and then.
I'm NOT suggesting Mary Jones the Bible was a time traveller (or a witch). But if she was, she could have made at least some effort and used an alias every now and then.
I’ve come to enjoy the reaction of adults (including teachers, principals, etc., parents, business people...) who learn the purpose of public education is not to create people just like them. #edchat #education #school
Learning activities resume in Gaza despite schools lying in ruins http://newsfeed.facilit8.network/TJVb3L #Gaza #Education #ChildrensRights #SchoolReconstruction #StayStrongGaza
I’ve just been shown “The Manga Guide to Statistics” and OMG it’s the best explanation I’ve ever had to the subject! This rocks on so many levels. I totally need the whole collection now.
okey, upon your feedback, if you were me ... in a Tech. High-School , (teenagers) learning-curve wise , would you choose to start with ?:
A truly free education means DRM-free. Together, we can build a future in which everyone will be able to learn in freedom and will know their rights as a user. Donate to the FSF to help bring free software to every learning environment around the world. https://donate.fsf.org/ #LearnLibre #EndDRM #DRMFree #Education
Associated Press: Schools use AI to monitor kids, hoping to prevent violence. Our investigation found security risks. “One student asked a search engine, ‘Why does my boyfriend hit me?’ Another threatened suicide in an email to an unrequited love. A gay teen opened up in an online diary about struggles with homophobic parents, writing they just wanted to be themselves. In each case and […]
Where were you in 1995? The Run to Remember is more than a race: it’s a celebration of life that unites people from around the world.