“It’s a reminder that attacks on trans people are nothing new—and that many of them are straight out of the Nazi playbook.”
“It’s a reminder that attacks on trans people are nothing new—and that many of them are straight out of the Nazi playbook.”
With Maggie and Vira, preparing to film "Gay Curmudgeon" quotes for next week. #dogs #doglover #doglovers #canines #pets #pomeranian #shitzu #jack #jackrussell #curmudgeon #gay #equalrights #gayrights #gayrightsarehumanrights #humanrights
Join us: Tuesday 26th November 6:30pm with Paul Harvard CEO of Collective Acting Studio
Let's make meaningful social and professional contacts!
#lgbtqcommunity #gayprofessional #gayprofessionalnetwork #gayrightsarehumanrights #networking #gaynetwork #londongaynetwork #togetherwearestronger #drama #theatre
@everyone #gaylondon #GPN
Ken, Kenny, Kendrin, and Kenneth Kennedy at last June's Gay Pride Parade. #gayrights #gayrightsarehumanrights #equalrights #equality #gaypride #gaypridemonth #gayprideparade #stopbigotry #endbigotry #prideflag
I don't usually buy Marvel Comics, but a rumor went through the men's community that he would 'turn' gay, in the early '90s. He didn't. #marvel #silversurfer #gay #gayrights #gayrightsarehumanrights #equalrights #equalmarriage #menscommunity #1990s
“First, they came for the transgender community, and I spoke out immediately because it is the right thing to do and I try not to be an asshole”
Gleichgestellt und doch nicht gleich
Vor 30 Jahren wurde der sogenannte Schwulenparagraf 175 abgeschafft. Klaus Schirdewahn war noch von ihm betroffen. Heute setzt er sich für ältere Schwule ein und blickt sorgenvoll auf die politische Entwicklung
#paragraf175 #menschenrechte #verfolgung #diskriminierung #gayrightsarehumanrights
[ Gleichgestellt und doch nicht gleich ]
Wow, your bigotry is really showing there, Mr.
Support your kids. Don't be a Mr. Difficult.
In 2007, Nepal's Supreme Court ordered the government to legally recognize a third gender category, audit laws to identify discriminatory ones, and explore recognition of same-sex relationships. Eight years later, a new constitution came into effect that has language specifically protecting LGBTQI people. So. Global Press Journal's Yam Kumari Kandal wonders, why are same-sex couples finding it so difficult to have their marriages recognized, and how did one couple, Adheep Pokhrel and Tobias Volz, break through the bureaucracy?
J.K. Rowling also writes under a pen name of "Robert Galbraith", publishing over half a dozen titles under that name, most of which have TV adaptations.
Robert Galbraith Heath was the American Psychiatrist who pioneered Gay Conversion Therapy to convert homosexuals through electro-shock therapy.
Celebrate LBGT+ History Month with GPN: Join us on Tuesday 27th February 2024
Professor Pippa Catterall will speak about Public Spaces and her project “Queering Public Spaces”.
Public spaces are not always, well, public.
#LGBT+HistoryMonth #lgbtqcommunity #gayprofessional #gayprofessionalnetwork #gayrightsarehumanrights #networking #gaynetwork #togetherwearestronger
@everyone #gaylondon
How about a corner of your office, asshole?
#gayrightsarehumanrights #LGBTIQ #homophobe
Today's Google Doodle celebrates gay writer James Baldwin, the guy that alleged gay rights champion "George Santos" had no clue who he was. #jamesbaldwin #lgbtq #gayrightsarehumanrights
Hello #lgbtq Community maybe those people need some more popularity.
#Refugees #refugee #gay #lesbian #kenya #gayrights #lgbt #GayRightsAreHumanRights #follow
#boost please
invading their neighbour is "special" and #LGBTQ+ is "extremist". What are they smoking?
#Russia #queer #lgbt #lgtq #supremecourt #legislation #Europe #law #gayrights #GayRightsAreHumanRights #lgbtlivesmatter #homophobia #homophobes #Ukraine #war #invasion
If youre going to be shit just own that youre shit. #comicdissection #comicdissectionpod #leftist #intersectional #satanicpanic #lgbtq #untilimeetmyhusband #untilimeetmyhusbandmanga #manga #ryousukenanasaki #gayrightsarehumanrights #yaoilovers