I've updated some of my Fediverse-related blog posts to feature the beautiful photo kindly provided by @_elena
Some of these are still on the index page, and I believe it's a much more fitting image than the previous one.
I've updated some of my Fediverse-related blog posts to feature the beautiful photo kindly provided by @_elena
Some of these are still on the index page, and I believe it's a much more fitting image than the previous one.
I've just launched the version of my blog with a BSD-based theme. The main colors are inspired by the BSDs, and badges will appear if a post includes one (or more) BSD in its categories. I've applied a few fixes (there are more to come), but it's already fully usable.
The site is designed to be navigable even without images or JavaScript, and can be used with text-based browsers. The only feature that requires JavaScript is the search function, which runs locally in the user's browser for maximum security and privacy.
For those who have already visited the site in recent days, you might not see the new theme correctly as some CSS parts could still be cached in your browser. I’ve set long expiration times for the CSS, so browsers may not notice the changes right away.
I've just published a new release of my blog, created by my SSG - it's in beta. I think the RSS readers will re-fetch the articles as it's a different structure, but should be working. Permalinks should also be preserved.
FediMeteo: How a Tiny €4 FreeBSD VPS Became a Global Weather Service for Thousands
I just finished the blog post on FediMeteo, how it was created and what it's made of. In the end, it turned out less technical than expected, but that's fine. I’ll be publishing it tomorrow morning.
a2enmod expires cache cache_disk
<LocationMatch "^/social/[^/]+/[xys]/|^/social/nodeinfo_2_0">This will use the disk cache to cache everything under the $username/s/, /x/ and /y/ paths, as well as for the
CacheEnable disk
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=86400, public" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} == 200"
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 86400 seconds"
path, utilizing mod_expires
to generate the appropriate cache headers (for lazy ones like me). In this case caching it for 1 day.no-cache
on that location and mod_expires
will honor that if we don't override it. I set it to the same Cache-Control value as mod_expires
would. (I use mod_expires
because it will additionally calculate the date and put that in the expires
header. (hence the name I guess ^/[^/] /[xs]/
a2enmod expires cache cache_diskBe sure "htcacheclean" is running to clean up old disk cache. (under debian see /etc/default/apache-htcacheclean or else the relevant systemd service)
CacheRoot /var/cache/apache2/mod_cache_diskThis will use the disk cache to cache everything under the /s/ Path, same as the original ngnix tutorial, Utilizing the mod_expires to generate the appropriate cache headers (for lazy ones like me), In this case caching it for 30 days.
CacheQuickHandler off
CacheLock on
# Optional while testing stuff;
CacheDetailHeader on
# My Instance ist not at the root, but under "/social"; so this needs to be adapted for most I guess:
<LocationMatch "^/social/[^/]+/s">
CacheEnable disk
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 30 days"
Improving snac Performance with Nginx Proxy Cache
It's not a fix, but the at least the problem has been moved from your realm of control. Amazing how the NOT_SMART_PROGRAMMER refuses to understand proper programming practices.
I was very quiet when I read the higlighted part, where you risked your health, crashing with your head to the ground unconcious, just to fix the mess again the NOT_SMART_PROGRAMMER caused again.
I have sent you all positive energy you need to get a smooth working ENV again with that programmer and all others on the whole