One fully-funded PhD position on mosquito behaviour available at the Insect Neuro Lab in Durham University, with Lena Riabinina @lena_r , plus a second one that depends on securing a fellowship.
One fully-funded PhD position on mosquito behaviour available at the Insect Neuro Lab in Durham University, with Lena Riabinina @lena_r , plus a second one that depends on securing a fellowship.
Fully-funded PhD student opportunities in neuroscience the UK, in Clara Ferreira or Wolf Huetteroth groups: (update: Wolf is here @wolfhuette )
"We have two 4-year competitively attributed, fully-funded, PhD studentships in Drosophila neuroscience available in Newcastle-upon-Tyne"
"We are a growing Drosophila neuroscience community at Northumbria University (currently two groups) with long-standing collaborations with Portugal and Germany, and strong local ties to Newcastle and Durham Universities, reflected in the available PhD projects."
"Please get in touch for an informal chat if you are interested (Project 1:; Project 2: and/or forward this to anyone you think might want to apply."
Project 1: Comparative approaches to understand the evolution of the neuronal basis of defence behaviours in Drosophila. Collaboration with Prof Marion Silies (Mainz University, Germany) and Prof Alistair McGregor (Durham University)
Project 2: Play in Insects - genetic and neurobehavioural characterisation of carousel-seeking flies. Collaboration with Dr Vivek Nityananda (Newcastle University)
Job opportunity:
Lecturer (Teaching) in Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management
Full-time, permanent contract
Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London, UK
Closing date 28 February 2025
#DRR #AcademicJobs #PhDJobs #ScienceJobs #Humanitarianism #CrisisManagement #HumanitarianOperations #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement
Rising Talent Fellowship for postdocs of black heritage backgrounds:
"The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) is proud to launch the next application round of its three-year fully funded fellowship for scientists from Black heritage backgrounds."
PLoS ONE is hiring two associate editors (remote positions):
There are another 19 positions open at PLoS:
2-Year Postdoc Position: Evolution and Organization of Ant Olfactory Systems.
With Carlotta Martelli in Germany.
Deadline: January 31st, 2025
Postdoc position available in Arjun Bharioke's lab, at the Medical University of South Carolina:
#neuroscience #PhDJobs #postdocs
Beth Cimini at the Broad Institute (MIT) is hiring:
1. Image Analysis Associate
2. Software Engineer
Plants play a LOT of clever tricks with light (beyond that little miracle that is photosynthesis). If the topic interest you, there is a #PhD position open to work on it with Dr. Rox Middleton (a very bright young researcher at the Uni of Bath)
#PhDjobs #AcademicJobs
Group leader positions at the IMP: Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna, Austria.
The Rezavall lab is recruting postdocs, PhD students and research assistants:
"Our lab investigates how the brain makes decisions "
Anita Devineni's lab at Emory is hiring: technicians, postdocs, students.
Joergen Kornfeld just opened his lab at the #MRCLMB – he is now our colleague!
His lab is recruiting students, postdocs, and staff scientists. Reach out to Joergen directly.
Arjun Bharioke's lab is hiring, in South Carolina:
"Understanding and controlling circuit function through plasticity"
To remark that you can get a tenure-track faculty position without any first-author publications during PhD or postdoc. The median is 5.
"The percentage of the cohort who had first-author CSN publications before obtaining their tenure-track faculty position."
* 203 out of 344 did not have any Nature/Cell/Science paper.
* 75 had one.
* 54 had two.
* 13 had 3 to 5.
"we examined the funding and publication history of a cohort of investigators who began their first academic faculty position between 2009 and 2019, and we interviewed several senior academic leaders with extensive experience in hiring new faculty. Our data show that <11% of newly hired faculty had a K99/R00 award and that neither prior funding nor papers in prestigious journals were necessary to obtain a tenure-track faculty position."
"Interviews with academic leaders almost uniformly referred to critically important factors that were considered to be more important in the hiring process than funding or publishing in high-profile journals."
"Myths and facts about getting an academic faculty position in neuroscience", Hsu et al. 2021.
HT @adredish
Venez travailler avec nous !
Assistant Professor, Contractually Limited Term (2 years) - French Linguistics, University of Toronto Mississauga
Two fully funded PhD Student Positions in Slavic (CS, PL, RU) languages, culture or literature are available at Stockholm University! (Ukrainian is also taught, but not available as focus language here.)
Jobs! Together with colleagues I'm hiring a PhD to work on the computing for the LHC for the future (on high performance computing, a key aspect of #particlephysics and also interesting on the #computerscience side)
Profile: interdisciplinary on boundary of #physics, #computerscience and #mathematics
#PhDjobs #datascience