It's just One step down
The top step is Emptiness
You needn't go There
#Haiku #Buddhism #Madjamika #Mahayana #RupertSpira #Video #Saturday #Neurobiology #DeepMind #Poetry #Synthesis
It's just One step down
The top step is Emptiness
You needn't go There
#Haiku #Buddhism #Madjamika #Mahayana #RupertSpira #Video #Saturday #Neurobiology #DeepMind #Poetry #Synthesis
“Make the NOW your refuge. It is the place of peace”. #RupertSpira As I reflect in silence on the timeless/spaceless NOW, it is also a place of Infinite Joy and Love, a finite insight?
I don't have kids but I really loved listening to this short and wise childrens book...
It is indeed for ages 4 to 104!
I'm reminded that all is temporary. Feelings, experiences, personality, even a solid sense of self all come and go. And yet there is that sense of direct "I" that always stays regardless of all that. Just raw conscious experience itself.
#rupertspira #meditation #mindfulness #spirituality #nondualism #children #books #consciousness #animation
Important work at Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness by Dr Roland Griffiths. #consciousness #mystery #beingaware #RupertSpira
“In Silence, Consciousness Opens” Photo. #silence #consciousness #Zen #rupertspira
3 lessons on emotional sobriety
#Emotional/affectiveempathy #Compassionateempathy #Pathologicalaltruism #Emotionalregulation #Emotionalsobriety #Cognitiveempathy #Emotionalcontrol #Socialawareness #Self-sacrifice #Mentalhealth #Camouflaging #Codependency #Alexithymia #RupertSpira #Compassion #Nondualism #Awareness #Altruism #Buddhism #Empathy #Books #Video
Time for another #Introduction.
Hoping with practice I’ll feel less awkward.
American living near #Louisville Kentucky, home of #KFC. Grew up there when Dad was Colonel Sander’s head of #PublicRelations and #Franchising, Dad helped launch the first wave of Ky Fried Chicken stores in the UK and #Japan.
I’ve practiced #NonDual #Meditation for 40 years, heavily influenced by #SiddhaYoga, #Muktananda, #Nisargadatta, #SallyKempton and #RupertSpira.
There’s a good chance I’m #ActuallyAutistic.
Hi, I am new to mastodon and wasn’t an active Twitter user … tried it a few times but it didn’t really do it for me … hoping this is a gentler, more inclusive and supportive platform.
I’m a disabled ex-Social Worker living in South Devon, husband, Dad and Grandad - interests are;
I’ll #followback if you add me