The list of measures purpose-built to cleave off a domain in which the #law does not apply grows by the day: the #pardons that bless & invite #insurrectionary #violence; the #purges of career lawyers at the #DOJ & #SDNY, #InspectorsGeneral across the govt, & snr #FBI agents; the AG’s command that attys obey #Trump over their understanding of the #Constitution; the appointment of people such as #KashPatel & #DanBongino, who…view loyalty to Trump as more compelling than their constitutional oath;
Cohen worked on multiple #mafia cases & prosecutions of violent street #gangs.
The 3d individual placed on leave -- a member of the office's #civil division -- posted about #ElonMusk & #EdMartin, a #Jan6 advocate, leader of the Stop the Steal movement & #Trump's nominee for US attorney in Washington, DC.
A spox for the U.S. Attorney's Office for #SDNY declined to comment.
@Nonilex sadly…it seems foolish to hope at this point.
But that first shot of adrenaline…
When the righteous stood strong…nothing like it!
To these prosecutors…the “rule of law” mattered …
More their politics…& that…really mattered to me.
Don’t we all long to be worthy when called to…
Fight for the same #principles
Exhibited by these ethical, dedicated #prosecutors
I know I do.
Are we now a country of cowards & gluttons?
#sdny #doj #EricAdams #quidproquo #nyc #law It's not heroic. He just set a precedent that #SDNY can be intimidated into toeing the party line.
On Thurs, 6 lawyers — the #Trump-appointed acting US attorney for #SDNY & 5 prosecutors in Washington — resigned rather than accede to #EmilBove’s demands. On Fri, a 7th stepped down, writing in his resignation letter that only a “fool” or a “coward” would sign off on the dismissal.
But those close to the #PublicIntegrity section prosecutors described Sullivan’s decision to put his name on the document as heroic. The reason … [he did it was] to protect others….
The federal prosecutors in Manhattan who had been involved in #EricAdams’s case sent a letter to Judge Ho Friday evening indicating they were withdrawing from the case. They included #HaganScotten, the lead prosecutor who resigned from #SDNY in protest of #EmilBove’s order to drop charges, & 3 others: Celia V. Cohen, Andrew Rohrbach & Derek Wikstrom.
“NEWS: Hagan Scotten, one of the SDNY attorneys prosecuting Eric Adams' case, has resigned ... and is blasting the Trump Justice Department on the way out.“
Republicans are disgusting.
DOJ order to drop Eric Adams case sparks at least 6 prosecutors to resign
tfw u propose a criminal conspiracy to the lead prosecutor at one of america's most pre-eminent law enforcement agencies (#SDNY) and then attempt to seize the evidence literally from the hands of that same prosecutor so you can burn it later and then she (the prosecutor) puts that information in a footnote that she releases to the public
Spiro shot back in a public stmnt, saying that if the #SDNY prosecutors “had any proof whatsoever that the mayor destroyed evidence, they would have brought those charges—as they continually threatened to do, but didn’t, over months & months.”
But in private, far from a courtroom, the picture was different. Amid rumblings of potential new charges, Spiro, Burck & #EmilBove appear to have structured what the defense lawyers likely hoped would be the end of the corruption case against #EricAdams.
Until recently, #EmilBove was one of #Trump’s #defense lawyers, representing him in his NY criminal trial last year. The trial led to Trump’s #conviction on 34 #felony counts for falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal that had threatened to derail his 2016 campaign.
#SDNY has long been viewed as the nation’s most prestigious US atty’s office, & has a reputation for guarding its independence & fending off interference from DC, winning it the nickname “the Sovereign District.”
The top federal prosecutor in NY & 2 senior #DOJ officials have resigned after a demand by the #Trump admin to drop #corruption charges against NY Mayor #EricAdams, people familiar w/the resignations said.
#DanielleSassoon, the acting US attorney in #SDNY, resigned after refusing to comply w/the controversial order…. Her resignation was confirmed by Nick Biase, a spox for the Southern District, but he did not address the reason.
The frogs are beginning to regret giving the scorpions a ride
#doj #sdny
Pump.Fun Hit With Proposed Class Action Lawsuit Alleging Securities Violations - Memecoin generator was hit with another proposed class action lawsuit on Thursda... - #memecoin #policy #sdny
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