SpaceshipADay Redux 1531. 2.5x3.5” Sketch Card. Want it? Message me! #scifi #sketch #spaceship #starship #conceptart #drawing #mastoart
I have officially started drawing for the next issue of Spring of Spring. Books 1 through 6 are available from Microcosm Publishing and the first 5 books are available as PDF from my Ko-Fi page #mastoart #art #fediart #comics #sketch #seedsofspring #anarchism
Daily Sketch 03-03-2025
I tried a "plant-based" hot dog that tasted too much like a real hotdog. It even had that boiled hotdog after taste. I sure hope I wasn't bamboozled.
This one is related to the last drawing, but I was too tired to put much effort into it, so I just slapped it together as it was
@JesusEstrada @JohnWilson123 @Annasimpson25 @Pepeeldelmolino
This kid should be put on more medication, or he might solve it.
@JesusEstrada @JohnWilson123 @Annasimpson25 @Pepeeldelmolino
The impossibility of the Authority yielding is a reflection of the impossibility of avoiding death
#Bruxelles 13.03.25
Je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi nous devions être enfermés dans des bâtiments.
Je rêve de donner cours de dessin à l'extérieur.
Je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi nous devions rester assis sans bouger jusqu'à se déformer la colonne alors que nous sommes fait pour le mouvement.
La vie c'est le mouvement.
Et la nature est si inspirante.
Sculpture Chotteaux
Dessin Sylou
Idea for a tattoo I'd like to get. No idea when or even if.
#art #sketch #ballpointpen #tattoo #ballpointpensketch
#painting #drawing #sketch #art #MastoArt #kleinekunstklasse #abstract #depression
Wenn kaum noch etwas funktioniert zweifelt man verstärkt vor allem an sich.
Twist and Shout
März 2021
#Zeichnungen ->
Algunos bocetos de la infancia de Mari. La primera vez que Bauik la vio era alguna especie de flor bípeda, monstruosa y chillona haciendo destrozos en una aldea, pero resultó ser solo una nena. Quiero ver qué relación tendría con Ciro, que tanto dice que se entiende con las flores monstruosas...
Simple little Salamand. E doodle. The mental energy is extra low but that won't stop me from my daily drawing, however small.
It's unknown if her hair rises like that due to a salamander's natural heat or some kind of magic, and she won't tell, either.