As of now, I'm fully team innie. I love that I'm not the only one who considers Mark Scout to be devious.
I wasn't heartbroken or conflicted when Mark S. chose to stay with Helly, but I was shocked.
Season 3 should explore the harm all outies cause, and the innies' vigorous pursuit of their rights.
And who/what tf was in the hallway?
Still so many mysteries.
#Severance #AppleTV #innie #outie #tv #drama #SciFi
From: @ricardoharvin
Two women find an interesting machine out by the bins and use it to stock their vintage shop for free in Time Travel Is Dangerous #film #SciFi #cinema #movies
Broken Spark, Chapter 7 is now available to read or listen to at The senior officers are doubling-down hard on their sub-commanders under the impression that they are misbehaving and the cause of jeopardy to the ship. But there is a nasty virus going round and the problems might actually be with the seniors themselves....
#books #book @bookstodon #scifi #scifireading #brokenspark #reading #fiction
I'm always worried I've pushed the political boundaries in my sci-fi novels to far, to unrealistic, but then the real world does something and it's like, "Hold my beer."
What are some good **non-US** films and series with hopeful / make the world better / help save/improve one's little corner of the world themes?
#SciFi, #fantasy, #anime welcome but not required. Note: spaceflight or space opera not required.
Open to considering ones aimed at almost any age range. Animated or live action both fine. Wouldn't mind more along the lines of the Australian /Ocean Girl/ and /The Girl From Tomorrow/ series.
Suggestions? I need to feel like WE CAN DO THIS.
Jeff Hawke by Sydney Jordan
#comicstrip #jeffhawke #scifi #sciencefiction #comicstrips #spaceopera
TFW your cyberkid could be confiscated cause CPS sus out your License to Self-Replicate came from an 'uncertified' Planned Robo-Parenthood clinic. Neofeud: #cyberpunk #scifi #indiegamedeveloper #adventuregame #visualnovel #SteamDeck #indiedev
It’s Storytime with Wil Wheaton
#Culture #SpokenWord #Storytelling #Narrator #Podcast #Audiobook #Otherworlds #SpeculativeFiction #SciFi #Fantasy
Free scifi stuff offers unique opportunities to think, explore, and have fun. Pick out a book, or download a wallpaper. It's all for you.
Always so funny/strange when I stumble across myself on the interwebs... in this case, looking to query a reviewer for the Bright Green Futures anthology... only to find a SFF Review of my just-released story Moon Goddess!
Thanks SFF!
90-Min Netflix DVD - "Silent Running" Great Message in a Pre Space Opera World
A fun feature from 1972 starring Bruce Dern as a bitter hippie in space with three robots. I am now realizing this is a prototype for Duncan Jone’s “Moon”. If you need a space castaway, but hate Kevin Spacey, this is your flick.
Currently re-reading Leiber's "The Big Time" after many, many years. Excellent book, but I found it to be a tough read back then. Now I am struggling with it again, but cannot put it away, either. Anybody who felt the same?
#sciencefiction #scifi #books
The Locus Awards have been celebrating the best in speculative fiction for decades!
Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the genre, make your voice heard by voting before April 15! #LocusAwards #SciFi #Fantasy #SFF #books
Also munk can haz a little self-insert as a treat. So I also parked one of my smaller ships next to this beauty.
Seeing different civilizations meeting is always fun. For example I always enjoyed seeing Vulcan ships alongside the NX-01 Enterprise.
In this case the brutalist, purely functional style of the Here We Remain contrasts well with my ship's sleeker more futuristic design.