"Currys and Deloitte partner to ease tech recycling"
#Currys #Technology #EWaste #Recycling
"Currys and Deloitte partner to ease tech recycling"
#Currys #Technology #EWaste #Recycling
Trying to find a replacement #woodburning kit based on recommended brands by the instructor of a course my wife gave me.
Always check things *very well* before buying. I found two deceptive sites redirecting search results to fake websites, both with the #currys logo on them.
I haven't added alts, as I don't want to give these fake #scam sites more exposure.
VAT should be cut on refurbished electricals, says Currys boss https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/01/vat-should-be-cut-on-refurbished-electricals-says-currys-boss #Ethicalandgreenliving #Retailindustry #Environment #Recycling #Landfill #Business #Currys #UKnews #Waste #Tax
If you are worried the massive IT issues will affect your shopping experience at Currys and Carphone Warehouse then fear not, they are still using Windows XP when processing customer data and have not been taking security seriously for years. #TrueStory #Windows #Microsoft #Crowdstrike #Cloudstrike #BSOD #Outage #GlobalOutage #Currys #CarphoneWarehouse
Brings a new meaning to the phrase "Black Friday Event At Currys!" doesn't it? (-:
For today's #AudioMo let's explore #Currys in #Westfield shopping center with Jake, recorded on 5 Jan 2024. I used to do this kind of electronic exploration with my brother Dwayne many years ago before he became a dad and moved out of London, now I get to enjoy such geeky bonding time with my son instead. We both love stuff like this. Jake is 14 and very much enjoys similar things to his dad. https://onj.me/media/20240105-Exploring_Currys_With_Jake.mp3
#sydenham #se26 #bellgreen #currys
Sydenham Currys 'set on fire by customer' as 25 firefighters and Met Police rush to retail park.
The London Fire Brigade also released a statement on the incident. It said: "Four fire engines and around 25 firefighters tackled a fire on Spine Road in Bell Green. Part of a single-storey retail shop was damaged by fire. There were no reports of any injuries.
More: https://www.mylondon.news/news/south-london-news/sydenham-currys-set-fire-customer-28988385
英國電器零售商Currys出售 英媒:中國京東有意收購
英國電器零售商Currys出售業務 中國電商京東及英國投資公司Elliott有意收購 Elliott以7億英鎊 […]
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#中國 #最新 #英國/歐洲 #Currys
@Edent @neil @tommorris Good to see such things interest some people. The surrender/deference without question mentality seems an all too common default.
I regularly get into it with certain stores which want my phone number (and, preferably, email and post code) "for warranty purposes". I refuse and then a manager has to be summoned to unlock the point of sale device. #HarveyNorman #PCWorld #Currys all at it. Most people just hand over data w no clue how it will be used.
#Asafoetida auch als #Asant oder Teufelsdreck bekannt, ist ein Gewürz, das aus dem Gummiharz von Asant-Pflanzen stammt und in der indischen #Küche häufig verwendet wird[1][2]. Es findet Verwendung in verschiedenen Gerichten, wie #Kormas, #currys Fleisch- und Gemüsegerichten, Reisgerichten, Pickles, Soßen, #Chutneys und Hülsenfruchtspeisen[1]. In der Küche Nord-Indiens wird Asafoetida auch in Fleisch- und Gemüseeintöpfen verwendet[2].
This 42-inch LG C3 OLED is £450 off - and makes for the ultimate large-format gaming monitor - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/this-42-inch-lg-c3-oled-is-450-off-and-makes-for-the-ultimate-large-format-gaming-monitor #GamingMonitors #Currys #4ktvs #PC #LG
Pink News: Currys to offer trans employees paid leave for gender-affirming care https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/06/27/currys-to-offer-trans-employees-paid-leave-for-gender-affirming-care/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #transrights #diversity #Business #Careers #Currys #News #UK
1/2 Epic fail in #Currys #Tralee last week. Specs of #Macbooks not displayed on shelf. Asked salesperson to confirm whether M1 or M2. Said person unlocked session on one, to a screen full of running apps and waiting prompts (script kiddies playing around with OSA). Incapable of shutting them down without rebooting, so showed them how. Then showed them how to find the sysinfo. Salesperson admitted they knew nothing about macOS.
Permit me to share a double-facepalm moment.
It's like six machine screws. Argh!
Britain's Currys to avoid using Royal Mail 'for now' over strikes https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/britains-currys-avoid-using-royal-mail-for-now-over-strikes-2022-12-04/ #CURRYS/(PIX) #BRITAIN