“Mummy, what’s happened to that Moomin?” My 4yo has finally noticed this painting by @lemurpatrol #moomin #alien #facehugger
“Mummy, what’s happened to that Moomin?” My 4yo has finally noticed this painting by @lemurpatrol #moomin #alien #facehugger
Asiakas: "laitoin sulle uuden sensorin kirjeessä tulemaan"
Tahaton Alien-hetki.
Ties minkä mankelin läpi on mennyt .
While it's not the right time of year for eggs, any time is a good time for hugs.
A pair of Alien eggs the size of chicken eggs.
Epoxy putty over a plaster egg cast, plus some plastic rod for the fingers.
Watching #AlienRomulus on #Hulu. I haven't watched an #Alien franchise movie since #Prometheus. Let's see how this one goes. #Nostromo #Xenomorph #Facehugger #NoOneCanHearYouScream #WeilandCorp
On est d'accord que c'est encore un peu Halloween.
J'ai imprimé ce magnifique Facehugger quasiment à taille réelle.
Attention aux maux d'estomac.
By jayembee67 on Thingiverse
#impression3d #print3d #alien #facehugger #halloween
Ever since this thing started hanging out on the side of my house, I’ve been feeling, I don’t know… like a smothering heartburn kind of sensation. Probably nothing. #Alien #Ripley #Kane #Nostromo #Facehugger #Chestburster #Xenomorph #3DPrint #halloween #halloween2024
Dating: man “just looking for what’s out there” got more than he bargained for!
Photo from PxHereDaniel felt lonely. He figured he would fix his loneliness by finding himself a companion. So he installed a dating app on his phone, and immediately got to task writing a profile. He says, “I decided to write that I was just looking for what’s out there. You know. I wanted to sound cool, and not like a desperate schmuck… Oh, shit! Did I say that last part out loud? Please cut it off.”
Daniel the desperate schmuck soon got hits on his new profile. “My first like was from a zombie. I passed on it. Those mofos are fugly!” Then he got a parade of ghosts, but, he explains, “I passed on them too, because I’m not looking to get ghosted by anyone.”
Not defeated, Daniel the desperate schmuck eventually matched with a facehugger. They went out a few times, but eventually things turned sour between them. Daniel told us, “The facehugger was hypersexual. It kept wanting to fuck my face, but I was having none of it.” So they broke up.
Enter a guy called Mike. “When I saw Mike’s profile, I was immediately hooked. Our initial chat was fabulous. We decided to go out, and we hit it off immediately.” Daniel the desperate schmuck showed us a picture of Mike. When we remarked that he looks like the spitting image of Michael Myers, he replied, “Now that you say it, yes… He looks like him, but I’m not going to kill this relationship over mere resemblance.”
We tried to contact Daniel the desperate schmuck for an update on his relationship with Mike for this story, but we never got a call back.
#AutisticWriters #dating #facehugger #MichaelMyers #satire #TheDailyIsotope #zombie
Free Hugs. A mixed media painting I did in 2020. #alien #xenomorph #FaceHugger #IndigenousCreatives
#AlienRomulus in #ThreeJS
by @Andersonmancini
Watch the trailer in an interactive 3D game-style scene.
#threejsJourney #webdev #FaceHugger
I would totally watch this movie.
#movies #findingnemo #alienmovie #xenomorph #facehugger
New Pen Accessory Day!
I'm a big fan of the Alien franchise so I've been considering commissioning one of these Facehugger rollstops for a while. I'm so glad I did. I paired it with my Hex Pens DNA Evolved pen and it's *chef's kiss* just perfect.
Reach out to KustomMagzCreations on Etsy if you're interested in one. No affiliation beyond being an admirer and satisfied customer.
#FountainPens #FaceHugger #Alien @fountainpens@a.gup.pe
Quoting myself: Whenever the word ovipositor comes up in your discussion of sex toys, you know you’re getting into the good stuff! (See also “alarmingly fleshy in the mouth”.)
I never get the cool collector popcorn buckets. NOT TODAY, 'NEVER!" NOT TODAY!