A cis-woman who is naturally very tall was harassed by a man when she used the restroom at work at a Walmart. She reported the incident after the man was gone and she was safe.
Walmart fired her for it.
Remember, transphobia affects cis-women too. It's all part and parcel of misogynoy in general.
@huffpostuk @politics-huffpostuk Protesr Voters are misogynistic and creepy, let's talk about that Brits.
I just watched this gem https://iview.abc.net.au/show/made-in-dagenham & absolutely loved it. I knew nothing of this massive watershed moment til now, but expect that women 5 or 10+ years older than i might remember it from their younger days. Anyway, IMO this dramatisation / recreation of it is fabulous, & was accompanied by copious gasps from me at the breathtaking #patriarchy, #MaleEntitlement, #sexism & #misogyny, then whoops & roarrrrrrs at each brilliant thing the women achieved. Sensational.
Me at ER for cardiac issues
Dr: “Could you be pregnant?”
Me: “No I had a hysterectomy”
Dr: “You look too young for that? Are you sure?”
Me: “I’m confident”
Dr: “I think you might be confused. Maybe it was your appendix.”
Proceeds to order pregnancy test
I’ve had this interaction more times than I can count
Healthcare workers think I’m “too young” to have had a hysterectomy and automatically assume I’m confusing my womb with another organ.
They ask endless questions, only to end up doing a pregnancy test anyways
Perhaps there are patients who confuse their uterus for their appendix, but I would imagine that’s exceedingly rare
The battle I went through to get my hysterectomy was long and arduous. It involved many physicians lecturing me about how I would never be able to have children
Asking insensitive questions like:
“Don’t you want to be a Mom?”
“You might want biological children, many women do”
“What happens if you meet your dream man and he leaves you for being barren?”
You don’t have to endure this type of insulting and misogynistic third degree to get your appendix or gallbladder removed.
They inform you of the surgical risks, you consent, the end.
There’s simply no plausible way to confuse the removal of a WOMB with an appendix
Despite these obvious facts, I’ve had countless doctors assume I’m wrong. That I couldn’t possibly have lost my uterus and it must have been something less important.
I’ve even had “patient CLAIMS hysterectomy”’written in my chart.
Why someone would lie about something so easy to prove or disprove is beyond me.
The end result is always a delay in care while we argue and then wait for an unnecessary pregnancy test which always comes back negative.
Surely we can do better?
I understand that doctors must have a degree of skepticism, and that the price of missing a pregnancy can be incredibly high.
I’m not opposed to them running a pregnancy test if that’s what they feel they need to do.
I am opposed to the delays and gaslighting
It was traumatic to lose my uterus at a young age. The healthcare workers who inundated me with misogynistic questions & put a hypothetical man before me and my health? They didn’t make it any easier.
I feel that trauma all over again whenever I’m questioned about pregnancy
I wish we could endeavour to either TRUST our patient, or just run the pregnancy test without all the unnecessary and (often) rude comments.
I don’t object to the test, I object to the way I’m treated leading up to the test.
Patients know their body best. We know the difference between a womb and an appendix. We know when we’re being talked down to and mistreated.
It causes trauma. Makes us less likely to trust the provider and far less likely to seek care in the future
Please treat your patients with the dignity they deserve. Don’t judge them on how they look, the chronic illness or disability they have or their gender or sexual orientation. Listen to them. Work with them. Let them be a partner in their care.
We can do better together /end
After the hysterectomy I also had a post op complication that was ignored by the ER three times. I had a life threatening internal bleed, but was sent home without tests because they thought I was “exaggerating”.
We MUST listen to patients. I only survived because my accidental advocate stepped up
"the whole "MAHA mom" phenomenon is deeply sexist...
Despite all the talk about "toxins," there is not a whiff of... fighting against the #Trump admn's plans to dump increasing amounts of very real #pollution into the #environment. Instead, #women are told to focus their energies on the domestic sphere... giving up hopes of having a #career or even much of a life outside of the home"
- @AmandaMarcotte
It's about Misogyny, Patriarchy and Late Stage Capitalism robbing us all of our Humanity.
But that would mean standing up to Fascism, and neither of these Politicians here are capable of that.
See what I mean?
Bending the Knee to the regime making our boys into horrors like in Adolescence, I told you he would do nothing about that, despite his empty words. He ignore Gary Neville, he'll ignore Jess Phillips and other women MPs who get it, he'll do nothing that will upset Trump
White supremacy and misogyny are tightly intertwined. This article be the ADL from 2018 explains it well.
#whiteSupremacy #misogyny #sexism #antiDEI #DEI
“When Women are the Enemy: The Intersection of Misogyny and White Supremacy”
PS: Yes I know ADL is a pro-Israel political lobby, and yes, I know they very weirdly excused Elon’s Nazi salute. But this article is pretty good.
World Athletics is to introduce chromosome testing in female atheletes to determine the presence of a 'Y' chromosome.
The reason given by the bigoted Sebastian Coe is ' "We'll doggedly protect the female category and do whatever it takes to do it." '
This approach was dropped by the IOC in 1999 because it excluded some cis women.
As with school shooters, let's stop giving free publicity to toxic masculinity and instead drown them in Positive Masculinity like these kids do.
Trouble is when you're "making sure that our children are educated about things like misogyny, healthy relationships" is the Parents relationships might be exposed as unhealthy, and those parents don't want that so they'll be crying out for Smartphones to be banned instead.
What do we think UKGOV will do?
Ban Smartphones or start a conversation about Empathy and Respect?
Ban Smartphones it is!
Fascism and 'Healthy Relationships' do not go together, and No 10 has chosen Fascism for us, ...for a trade deal....
Fascism rises, Generational progress on Feminism stops.
But No 10 wants to ally with Trump, the Rapist and Nazi.
OMG, somebody in the Labour Party who actually gets it. But will the Front Bench listen?
Not if it upsets Trump....
"We need more sporting role models so boys won't grow up creepy and entitled....oh......"
Is Laurence Fox on 'the Com' with all the creepy teenagers?
Did he brag about this to the kids on Discord, Roblox or Telegram?
All the same shit, isn't it? Misogyny, Patriarchy, the Manosphere....all the same shit...
Being Woke is a sign that you are not a threat to others, being against woke means......