White Men Will Need to Just Sit Things Out For 7 or 14 Years - https://alternate.kinlane.com/2025/03/31/white-men-will-just-sit-things-out-for-7-or-14-years/ #fiction #patriarchy

White Men Will Need to Just Sit Things Out For 7 or 14 Years - https://alternate.kinlane.com/2025/03/31/white-men-will-just-sit-things-out-for-7-or-14-years/ #fiction #patriarchy
Starmer explains how he saw all this over ten years ago when he was Director of Public Prosecutions but didn't feel like it was big a deal to mention it all until the Netflix drama dropped last month.
You don't get prizes for watching something happen then tut afterwards lad.
Go Fash, expose Women to violence.
Go Woke, do something about Women being exposed to violence
Men with a bit of power are twice as dangerous as those without.....
Will they be watching the WHOLE thing? Unlike the Prime Minister must have only seen the first episode or had it briefed to him (poorly)
"Boys need sporting role models!"
Not all boys Starmer, not the one in the show you're talking about.
@LingLass Scotland Yard giving him a hand with the body there too
"because female-looking nipples are sexually explicit nudity but male-looking nipples aren't!"
"says who?"
".... Men!"
*gestures "there you go"*
"wElL aCtUaLlY, the ones who complain about women going topless in public are other women!"
1. This is not true. Look at the genders of most of the repliers on any social media post about #freeTheNipple
2. Even if it was, the presence of internalized #misogyny does not disprove #patriarchy.
3. Even if women were the ones to complain the loudest about other women going topless in public, men are the ones deciding on the legislation and censorship policies that categorize "female nipples" as "sexually explicit nudity" but not "male nipples".
You can have Fash kids or Woke kids, pick one.
Capitalism is picking for you...
The long, versatile history of bottoming: From Ancient Greece to modern misogyny
“Transphobia & misogyny have always been two sides of the same coin. It's always been about punishing women, cis and trans, for not fitting standards of femininity they want to enforce.”
A tall woman was harassed by a man when she went to the washroom at work at a Walmart in Lake City, Florida. She reported the incident to her supervisor after he left.
Walmart fired her.
Just because other people get rights, it doesn't mean, you loose any or that your rights loose value.
"Tätermachung vs Objektivierung – Die ausgebliebene Emanzipation des Mannes"
Ein philosophischer Artikel über Vorurteile zwischen den Geschlechtern. Darin beschreibe ich die Folgen typischer Verhalten, die Benzin ins Feuer des Patriarchats kippen. Und wie man dem entgehen kann.
The deviant and depraved Predator that American social media introduced to our children faces FRESH accusations dated to his recent holiday in Gilead.
Don't expect our governments to do anything about this, their idea of 'Protecting Women and Girls' is just being cruel to Trans People and ignoring what cishet men have been doing since forever...
Just another depraved, entitled young man. Nothing special, nothing unique, a problem like a rat infestation (with apologies to Rats, who have taken the challenge of living on a Human planet and run with it.)
Until we call out the Misogyny in our society, and not attack Trans Women as 'pretend Feminism' this country will keep suffering tragedies like this.
This is nothing to do with Autism and everything to do with Misogyny and Patriarchy.
Thankfully the Court saw through that one.
But to even suggest that as excuse is rancid ableism
He made his choices, and it was based on a Society that tells men they are entitled to 'pussy'
We all watched a drama about this last week, didn't we?
(Well, some of us only watched the first episode, like the PM)
same old, same old.....but nobody in power wants to tackle the culture behind this in case it upsets Mad King Trump.
I wonder which Manosphere influencers this creepy predator listened to?
Telling him it was fine to treat Human Beings like slabs of meat to stick your dick into...who told him that was fine behaviour, and he was entitled to that 'pussy?'
“Civilized Man says: I am Self, I am Master, all the rest is other—outside, below, underneath, subservient. I own, I use, I explore, I exploit, I control. What I do is what matters. What I want is what matter is for. I am that I am, and the rest is women and wilderness, to be used as I see fit.”
(Ursula K. Le Guin)