My review of Trey Anastasio's show in Rochester
My review of Trey Anastasio's show in Rochester
Plants/Left Lunch
A walk around downtown with my Lubitel 166U and Kodak Ektar.
#ROC #585 #rochesterny #rochesternewyork #lubitel166u #film #Kodak #Ektar #film #filmphotography #photography
This is the latest Local History post from our library here in Rochester NY.
In 1913, Ida Braiman, a teenage garment worker, was killed during a demonstration to organize workers. This article tells her story.
During the 1910's, the garment industry became one of the leading centers of the workers' unionization movement. The Bread and Roses strike in Lawrence Massachussets, the Uprising of Twenty Thousand in New York City, and other large strikes of garment workers brought attention to the demands of the workers.
Here in Rochester, the garment industry was a huge employer. My grandpa was born in 1913, and had multiple relatives in the Rochester garment business. Grandpa's mother worked as a seamstress in the tailor shops, while his father was a cutter. (Cutters were considered a more skilled job. They were paid more, and they were almost all men).
In the 1930's and 1940's, after unionization, Grandpa's sisters' generation enjoyed much better conditions than Ida Braiman's earlier generation had known. Grandma once told me that jobs in the tailor shops kept a lot of people employed during the Depression, because with so many different shops in town, you could just move from one to another as this one or that one was hiring or laying off.
Our local PBS station made a documentary about the Rochester garment industry, "Tailor Made", tracing the history to our own day.
#BlueSkyArtShow #photography #EastCoastKin #Windows
#Scientist #Church #RochesterNY
Windows at First Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science or Scientism, not Scientology). At the time, this had becom the Lyric Theater and is now Grace Road Church.
#BlueSkyArtShow #photography #EastCoastKin #Windows
#ThePlayhouse #RochesterNY #RoseWindow #FormerChurch
Rose window from a former church, now a video game bar. The balcony puts the window at table level.
#BlueSkyArtShow #photography #EastCoastKin #Windows
#CornHill #RochesterNY
Kitty in the window.
From a field trip in the historic Corn Hill neighborhood of Rochester with my daughter's junior high school class in 2011.
hell yes, I hate RG&E
My dramatic arrival in #RochesterNY earlier this week. I stepped off this #Amtrak train, carried my luggage across a snowy park, and captured the train crossing High Falls, before getting dinner at Genesee Brew House as recommended by y'all.