Show your #SagAftraStrong solidarity on the #VideoGameStrike picket line, rain or shine! Join us TOMORROW, 3/5 at WB Games Inc., Gate 5. Come out from 11 AM to 2 PM, our new game time.
We'll see you there! #LevelUpTheContract
Show your #SagAftraStrong solidarity on the #VideoGameStrike picket line, rain or shine! Join us TOMORROW, 3/5 at WB Games Inc., Gate 5. Come out from 11 AM to 2 PM, our new game time.
We'll see you there! #LevelUpTheContract
Show your #SagAftraStrong solidarity on the #VideoGameStrike picket line, rain or shine! Join us TOMORROW, 3/5 at WB Games Inc., Gate 5. Come out from 11 AM to 2 PM, our new game time.
We'll see you there! #LevelUpTheContract
No matter what country someone is in, a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work should be what happens. And what one country’s people do can help another’s.
So let me get this straight.
#SAG_AFTRA goes on strike because its #VA and #gamedev members were concerned about #AI use.
Nine days later, SAG-AFTRA cuts a backroom deal with an #AI firm to allow AI access to voice actor material.
......Just how much Everclear is SAG-AFTRA chugging?
And let's even set aside the issue of #LLM threats to creative content, and the now-literal threat of AI coming for creatives' jobs. Let's table the imminent threat to #animation and gamedev (not to mention the risk of total obliteration of the #indiedev fields), we'll even ignore the sheer and utter contempt SAG-AFTRA and Hollywood have for #voiceacting for a moment...
Does anyone with half an iota of #infosec knowledge expect these AI firms to secure the source data they'll have access to?
All you need is one firm to score a lucrative actor, or brag about the size of their horde (oh yes, they'll call it a library, but let's be honest, it's an #AIHorde), and someone's gonna start throwing everything they have to get into it. And I doubt it'll be that hard to do.
Now, now, on TOP of the risk of traditional #identitytheft via your ethereal, transactional identity - NOW a voice actor has to worry about the risk of their performative, human identity being stolen.
(Oh and don't even get me STARTED on the opportunities this presents for #deepfake based #socialengineering)
Just how god-damn STUPID is the SAG?
#SAGAFTRAStrong? Nah, try #SAGAFTRAStupid.
(Do I have a beef with #AItheft? Why yes, why do you ask?)
I support the striking video game performers!
Actors: Have questions or thoughts about the SAG-AFTRA #VideoGameStrike? Sign up for the zoom or in person informational meetings today:
These will likely help clarify what the issues, tactics and strategies are.
Show the video game employers how #SagAftraStrong we are. Join #sagaftra at Warner Brothers on THURSDAY, 8/1 for the FIRST #VideoGameStrike picket! It's time for the employers to #LevelUpTheContract.
Video game performers deserve fair wages, safe working conditions and A.I. protections. I call on the employers to #LevelUpTheContract. #SagAftraStrong #VideoGameStrike
You can support the efforts of actors in your favorite games who are now on strike:
Post your support.
Social Media Kit PDFs
for fans and supporters:
INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL, HUELGA NATURAL: SAG-AFTRA, el sindicato de actores y afines de EEUU entra de nuevo en paro, esta vez contra las grandes empresas de videojuegos.
Esto sucede luego de dos años de negociaciones con las diez empresas más grandes del ramo, incluyendo Activision, Disney Character Voices, Electronic Arts , Epic, Insomniac, y WB Games. Se trata de llegar a un nuevo contrato para actores de voz y de captura de movimiento.
"No consentiremos a un contrato que permita que las empresas abusen de la inteligencia artificial en detrimento de nuestros miembros. Ya basta. Cuando estas compañías esten listas para proponer un acuerdo serio con el cual nuestros miembros puedan vivir - y trabajar-, entonces estaremos listos para negociar." Así se expresó en un comunicado Fran Drescher, presidenta de SAG-AFTRA.
Un portavoz de la contraparte empresarial declaró "Estamos decepcionandos de que el sindicato haya decidido retirarse de las negociaciones cuando estábamos tan cerca de un acuerdo, y seguimos dispuestos a reanudar las conversaciones."
"Ya habíamos llegado a puntos en común en 24 de sus 25 propuestas, incluyendo aumentos salariales históricos y medidas de seguridad."
"Nuestra oferta incorporaba las preocupaciones de SAG-AFTRA e incluye protecciones referentes a la IA como requisito de consentimiento y compensación justa. Estos términos son de los más fuertes en la industria."
Cabe aclarar que esta huelga no afecta trabajos de animación tradicional ni de imagen real fuera de los videojuegos, como la del año pasado no incluyó medidas contra la animación o los juegos.
El paro comienza a la medianoche de hoy, hora del Pacífico de EEUU.
“SAG-AFTRA…called a strike of the Interactive Media Agreement, effective July 26 at 12:01 a.m. Today’s vote to strike comes after more than a year and a half of negotiations without a deal.”
More details:
@riley The SAG-AFTRA FAQ says the following:
How can I show support for the striking video game performers?
You can help amplify our messages online using #LevelUpTheContract, #VideoGameStrike and #SAGAFTRAStrong
No mention at this time of requesting a boycott.
They also provide some social media resources here:
In New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Pittsburg, San Francisco or Boston on May 1? Join in.
Actors: I voted for the SAG-AFTRA 2023 Television Animation Agreements and you should vote too. Just over an hour left to vote. Vote here:
Too many bad cooks in the kitchen.
Hmm, one of the architects of some of the largest labor actions (WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes) in recent history _himself_ agrees he should be paid less. Make foolish choices, get foolish outcomes.
Watching this live in 5 minutes (I think it’ll be available for a replay at the same link after the livestream).
The 5th annual #LITSummit2024 is STARTING SOON! Tune in at 1pm PT/4pm ET on YouTube:
Though the #SAGAFTRAstrike limited TV & theatrical work with certain production entities, the Interim Agreement enabled work to continue, and the unity of professional actors plus the outpouring of support of partner unions was an amazing experience of solidarity. From rallies to food drives, from the NAACP National Convention to Labor Day events, from Fenway Park to Pilgrim Memorial State Park, we were #SAGAFTRAstrong and ultimately made significant contractual gains after 118 days.