Destino & Time - Salvador Dali, Walt Disney and Pink Floyd
#WaltDisney #SalvadorDali #PinkFloyd #ModernArt #MoMA
Destino & Time - Salvador Dali, Walt Disney and Pink Floyd
#WaltDisney #SalvadorDali #PinkFloyd #ModernArt #MoMA
I am not strange. I am just not normal.
Salvador Dali
#salvadordali #art #finesarts #painterslife #masterpiece #arts #luizsantosarts
When #SalvadorDalí Created a Chilling Anti-#VenerealDisease Poster During #WorldWarII
Allez un petit shot de culture, ça ne fait de mal à personne !
Aujourd'hui on revient sur la prestigieuse et surréaliste origine du logo Chupa Chups !
Les photos surréalistes de Dariusz Klimczak
#DariuszKlimczak #photographe #Photoshop #SalvadorDali #surréaliste
Ich habe gedacht ich spüle euch mal ein #Bild von #Dali in die Timeline auf dem ein #Engel den Finger ins Maul von einem #Nashorn steckt.
Und nur um es direkt klarzustellen: ja, ein Witz, aber ich verehre die #Kunst von #SalvadorDali und wenn ich reich wäre würde ich viele Werke besitzen, sie ausstellen und der Öffentlichkeit kostenlos zugänglich machen.
Apotheosis of the Dollar 1965
Dalí Salvador ~ #art #arts #finearts #painting #salvadordali #luizsantosarts
"DINING WITH DALI" - In honor of the first ever #salvadordali exhibition in #Miami #2021
#art #today #streetwear #dali #urbanstreetfashion #designer #streetphotography #color #pixelfed #theartplug #marcelkatz #maisonmarcel #llm #ibm #siliconvalley #microsoft #digital #data #github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #artbasel2025 #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #llama #meta #gemini #activism #election #electionday #huggingface #perchance #chatgpt #aiart #linux #linuxmint
“Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy —the joy of being Salvador Dalí— and I ask myself in rapture: What wonderful things is this Salvador Dalí going to accomplish today?”
#art #arts #finearts #painting #salvadordali
“Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature. Never try to correct them. On the contrary: rationalize them, understand them thoroughly. After that, it will be possible for you to sublimate them.”
― Salvador Dali
#art #arts #finearts #painting #salvadordali
Zapowiadałem, że w następnej odsłonie historii sztuki w komiksie powróci "My Favorite Thing is Monsters" Emil Ferris. No to powraca.
Po lewej: Salvador Dalí, "Płonąca żyrafa", 1937.
Po prawej: "My Favorite Thing is Monsters", vol. 1, 2017, scen., rys. i tusz Emil Ferris.
“At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.”
― Salvador Dali
#art #quote #painting #arts #finearts #salvadordali
“A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.”
― Salvador Dali
#art #quote #painting #arts #finearts #salvadordali
Desire is the only motivating principle in the world. The only master that humans must recognise’
Dalí exhibition,
Nunca estoy solo. Tengo la costumbre de estar siempre con Salvador Dalí. Créame, eso es una fiesta permanente.
I´m never by myself. I´m in the habit of being always with Salvador Dali. Believe me, it's an unending party.
#art #quote #painting #arts #finearts #salvadordali
El 23 de enero de 1989, fallece en Figueras, España, el pintor surrealista #SalvadorDalí
"L'unica differenza tra me e un folle è che io non sono folle"
Moriva il #23gennaio 1989 #SalvadorDalì, pittore, scultore, scrittore, fotografo, cineasta e designer. Eccentrico, bizzarro, pietra miliare del Surrealismo veristico.