I just received some amazing news. Something big is about to happen, and just reading the email got me excited. And terrified. And filled with joy. And (positive) fear. And anxiety.
For now, I can't say anything, but I'll share more as soon as I can
I just received some amazing news. Something big is about to happen, and just reading the email got me excited. And terrified. And filled with joy. And (positive) fear. And anxiety.
For now, I can't say anything, but I'll share more as soon as I can
"The sprites of bright lights.." a story waits to be told.
Soon, my words will find you. Stay tuned for exclusive promos, upcoming releases, and the unexpected. #Author #Writing #Storytelling #NewRelease #BookLove #Poetry #Fiction #StayTuned #newsletter https://www.ashlanchidester.com/2025/03/newsletter.html or subscribe by email ashlan.chidester@yahoo.com
Great news: the latest version of @glusightapp has officially been approved on the App Store!
Version 1.0.11 is on its way and will be available soon. Stay tuned for the update and new improvements!
Something big is on the horizon...
Stay tuned - all will be revealed tomorrow! You won’t want to miss this.
#StayTuned #ComingSoon #LaunchAhead #CloudNative
Exciting day at Openvibe HQ!
We’re cooking up something fresh for you—dropping later today! #StayTuned
Big things are coming… and they’ll change the way you network forever.
Say goodbye to spam DMs, fake connections, and meaningless networking.
WiseIN is launching soon. Want in before everyone else?
Join WiseIN now
#WiseIN #Networking #staytuned #FutureOfWork #careersuccess
La Stagione 2 di #TheLastOfUs è alle porte, pronta a riportare in scena un dettaglio fondamentale dal gioco originale! Non perdiamocela! #staytuned
Incroyable, mes mails fâchés semblent avoir de l'effet. #StayTuned
Ich wüsste ja zu gern, was aus dem Papst-Kardinal-Doppelportrait geworden ist, das vor ein paar Wochen ungefähr einen halben Tag lang in unserem Schulflur hing. Und ob es rechtzeitig zur Visitation von Schulrätin und Abteilungsleiter wieder auftauchen wird. #staytuned
Échirolles déploie régulièrement des solutions libres correspondant à ses besoins.
Nous travaillons en ce moment, par exemple, sur une solution de kiosque (affichage municipal, PC en accès libre, salles de visio).
Pour chacun de ces projets, une documentation complète est produite (installation, gestion, etc.)
→ La DSI réfléchit à la mise en place d'un blog et d'un wiki associé pour partager sa documentation.
Sneak Preview: eine #Ausstellung entsteht… derzeit arbeite ich für das @dhiparis mit der Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris an einer Ausstellung über deutsche #Immigrationen nach Paris, Schwerpunkt 19. Jahrhundert. Eröffnung ist am 25. März. Mit dabei ist natürlich das #Adressbuch der Deutschen in #Paris von 1854 #staytuned https://www.paris.fr/evenements/exposition-les-allemands-de-paris-histoire-d-une-immigration-oubliee-78134 #expoallemands #bibhistorique #Adressbuch1854 #Wisskomm #histodons
Way too far out in time for any specifics, but a good reminder to be #WeatherAware into next week as the NOAA Storm Prediction Center is showing better potential for severe weather for the @WDEFNews12 area Tuesday into Wednesday. #StayTuned
Non perdere l'evento del 6 marzo! Una data da cerchiare in rosso sul calendario. Resta sintonizzato per ulteriori dettagli! #SaveTheDate #StayTuned
I just finished the blog post on FediMeteo, how it was created and what it's made of. In the end, it turned out less technical than expected, but that's fine. I’ll be publishing it tomorrow morning.
A NEW Weekly Podcast is coming to the http://DolphinsTalk.com Podcast Network with Mike and @DouglieDoWrong@twitter.com.
COMING IN MARCH 2025 #StayTuned
Le suspense est à son comble
Technisch barrierefreie PDFs aus InDesign sind mitunter ziemlich große Dateien. Nach vielen Tests habe ich nun eine Software gefunden, die mir hilft, ohne sichtbare Verluste bei der Auflösung der Bilder die Dateigröße erheblich zu reduzieren und zugleich keine Abstriche bei der Barrierefreiheit zu machen. Scheint zumindest so. Bei dieser Datei wurden so aus 19,4 MB letztendlich 3,4 MB.
Jetzt muss ich noch genauer unter die Lupe nehmen, was die Software mit der PDF-Datei anstellt. #StayTuned
UP TO SOMETHING SEASON at http://DolphinsTalk.com
Expect some announcements in the coming weeks on some new things happening with the website and podcast! #StayTuned