Veilchen, wenn ich diese Bergstraße entlanggehe, fühle ich mich irgendwie zu ihnen hingezogen.
- Bashô
#AchtsamkeitClub sind an #Achtsamkeit #Meditation #Zen #Zazen #Yoga #QiGong interessierte Menschen aus #Bonn
Veilchen, wenn ich diese Bergstraße entlanggehe, fühle ich mich irgendwie zu ihnen hingezogen.
- Bashô
#AchtsamkeitClub sind an #Achtsamkeit #Meditation #Zen #Zazen #Yoga #QiGong interessierte Menschen aus #Bonn
Good Morning and have a great day.
Daily #Zen #Buddhism
by Mahosadha Ong
Caos creativo v/s pasivo:
El "caos creativo" es el desorden momentáneo que se forma mientras trabajamos en algo pero si éste persiste en el tiempo será un "caos pasivo", es decir un desorden infructífero que estancará la energía y claridad de tu mente. Ordena después de cada sesión.
The universe is in constant motion—waves of energy shifting, crashing, and flowing in every direction. In this ever-changing ocean of energy, how can you stay in tune? #zen #zenmaster #dharma #meditation #Consciousness #Energy #Reality #QuantumPhysics #Spirituality #Mindfulness #Philosophy #Nonduality
No form is actually a unchanging fixed entity, although we may take it as so
No form is just imaginary, although we may believe it to be so
Actual form is in between, like a whirlpool, or a cloud, neither a fixed entity, nor nonexistent
Zen & the Art of Digital Forensics #DFIR #Zen
Good Morning and have a great day.
Daily #Zen #Buddhism
by Elina Okolit
Went over my Steam collection thinking about which games I want to play again. Tested three of them and realized that even though I liked them all, didn't feel like playing more. The spark wasn't there. Yet another area in my life where I don't seem to get kicks from whatever I liked before.
I started thinking and realized there are only a handful of games I've come back to in my 35 or so years of gaming. The only exception is GeneRally and its sequel which have remained a stable favorite but even there the biggest reason has been creating new tracks.
With music, I've managed to internalize that once I've really gotten into something, I will burn through it and won't come back. I need to understand this is likely true in every media.
Instead of looking back, I should concentrate in what is front of my eyes. Goes nicely together with my Zen Buddhist journey.
#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #zen #ZenBuddhisn @actuallyautistic
Zen Master: "I let go of self, desire, and thought." Website: "Please verify that you are human." [captcha appears: Click all the images with suffering] #zen #technology