J.D.Vance himself has admitted he is “plugged into a lot of weird, right-wing subcultures” and one of his faves is the obscure #ClaremontInstitute .
Spawned in Southern California out of the teachings of an academia entrenched #BarryGoldwater speech writer named #HenryJaffa , since his death, it has found new life embracing 21st century figures like #CharlieKirk , #RonDeSantis , #JohnEastman and actively seeks out extremist #RWNJ sheriffs for intensive "fellowships".
What #Politico terms "the intellectual nerve center of the Trumpist right " it's #thinktank was one of seven main influences recently highlighted as shaping recent #Catholic convert #JDVance and his #weird worldviews. Vance has eagerly embraced a host of #FarRight milieu members including members of secret societies, maverick publishers, and acolytes of advocates to "prioritize re-Christianizing America".
#Claremont Institute has rebranded itself from its right wing roots in #academia to a more fearsome forefront of racially divisive anti-Democratic alt right think tanks and what one prominent former #GOP campaign manager called the "West Point of American fascism".
Nowadays Claremont seeks out #socialmedia savvy and influential leaders, such as Vance, DeSantis & Josh Hawley who are white and wryly and openly contemptuous of the left, most minorities and even #democracy itself. Eagerly embracing divisions and propelling #MAGA Xtian supremacist ideologies, the place that brought you #Pizzagate is far from honest #AbeLincoln or other flag bearers of Claremont's #conservatism hailed at the orgs founding.
Nowadays, largely estranged from the CA based institution it was founded at, the founder of the Claremont Institute's archives are actually held at Michigan's rural #HillsdaleCollege—a private, #conservative #ChristianAcademy headed by one of the institute’s 70's era original members.