"„Kunde stresst massiv“ – Zulässigkeit von Vermerken & #Blacklists in Kundendatenbanken"
-> DSB Österreich bejaht Rechtmäßigkeit aufgrund Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. f #DSGVO.
Fraglich ist, ob dies sich mit der Ansicht des GA in der Rs. C-394/23 verträgt...
We have published a new article about global scientific rise and the Chinese Early Warning Journal List:
To fully explain what this #EWJL is, I would have to write a lot about CAS Journal Ranking and FNCSI, so just remember that EWJL is a kind of "blacklist of Web of Science journals".
Although we are not only praising but also criticizing EWJL in this article, I'm kindly envious of Chinese scientists.
Hooray ... My #Patreon is LIVE ... AGAIN!!!
@ever В «Твиттере» внесение в чёрный список означало, что вы одновременно вычёркиваете себя из подписок то:й, котор:ую внесли в чёрный список. Я правильно понимаю, что здесь это не работает, и забаненн:ая продолжит видеть ваши публикации в своей подписной ленте? #blacklists #web2
#Christian #School in #Vermont #Benched for #Refusing To allow team to #\compete against #Transgender #Athlete, Sues for #ReligiousDiscrimination
#Expulsion effectively #blacklists the #Christianacademy from all #highschool #sports; and #academic #competitions such as a statewide #GeoBee, #scienceFair, #mathfairs, and #debate #teams.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Vermont #Education #Religion #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #EmptyThePews
Online #Dating #Apps don't guarantee that your date does not have controlling behavior,
that does not have a history of domestic abuse and even that does not have personal hygiene or dirty #UnderWear problems:
not showers and soap friendly
nor does usually change underwear in daily basis.
Nor that there is no history of domestic violence or #PsychoPathy. That is why #BlackLists are proliferating in #Messenger or #FaceBook groups of those who had a bad experience in #FirstDate thru dating apps
Our new article - Examination of academic librarian websites in Anglophonic countries to assess the integrity of information related to predatory publishing
"Revealed: UK government keeping files on education critics’ social media activity"
It's not just education. A number of departments operate what can only be described as blacklists of experts who have been critical of government policy. And I wouldn't be surprised if this has been going on longer than the life of the current Tory administration.
I realized just now that the previous had an important reference that needed to be made trackerless, so "DDOS Bots Are People! (Or Manned By Some, At Least)" is now available as https://nxdomain.no/~peter/ddos-bots-are-people-or-manned-by-some.html #UDP #OpenBSD #blacklists #blocklists #DNS #blackhole #routing #ethics #netflow #security #monitoring #PF #nfsen #DDOS #attack
Ich bin auf der Suche nach #Blacklists für meine #FritzBox
Speziell #Streaming Dienste (YT und Netflix habe ich bereits) - aber z.B. Disney+ Paramount+ Discovery+ etc.
Da werde ich leider nicht wirklich fündig.
Jemand Ideen wo ich so etwas finden kann?
Beware of #predatory publishing – but also of low-quality #blacklists
By Jan Erik Frantsvåg
"We should be wary of low-quality #journals and predatory #OA #publishing. But we should also know which sources’ judgement to trust. Is the new website Predatory Reports a trustworthy source of information?"
U.S. #Blacklists #Chinese Companies It Links to #Balloon Program. Move is in retaliation for suspected spy balloon that traversed U.S. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-poised-to-blacklist-chinese-firms-involved-in-balloon-program-c69e786b
U.S. #Blacklists 6 Chinese Entities Involved in Spy Balloon Programs https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/10/business/economy/china-spy-balloon-sanctions.html
The latest litigation at the dystopian intersection of automated license
plate readers #ALPRs and secret #blacklists of "suspected terrorists": A blacklist is not a basis for search or seizure. https://papersplease.org/wp/2023/02/04/a-blacklist-is-not-a-basis-for-search-or-seizure/ @maia
[Preprint] Are some academic #librarians providing misinformation about #predatory #publishing?
In academic scholarly communication, the #predatorypublishing debate is hotly contested. Despite errors, weaknesses and flaws with Jeffrey #Beall’s #blacklists, it is not uncommon to observe academic papers and derivative websites citing, using and promoting those now-defunct blacklists.