LIVE: Chill Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim Gameplay #disappointment #ETERNAL #OuterWorlds #PS4GAMES #R6 #Rainbow6Siege #Skyrim #TheElderScrollsV:Skyrim LIVE: Chill Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim Gameplay #disappointment #ETERNAL #OuterWorlds #PS4GAMES #R6 #Rainbow6Siege #Skyrim #TheElderScrollsV:Skyrim
Hooked on Outer Worlds for now and the first time.
It was not the best choice. It's the Spacer's Choice!
Played on the Pengiun, naturally.
#pcgaming #games #linux #outerworlds #proton LIVE: Chill Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim Gameplay #disappointment #ETERNAL #OuterWorlds #PS4GAMES #R6 #Rainbow6Siege #Skyrim #TheElderScrollsV:Skyrim
I started replaying #outerworlds last night and I forgot just hope depressingly funny Obsidian see the future
Ööö voiko joku selittää miksi mun alukseen on ilmestynyt villalehmiä!? en ole mitään niihin liittyvää tehtävää ottanut ja tossa ne nyt vaan chillaa
Is it worth dipping ones toe into Outer Worlds in 2024? Never player, looked like fun?
Fantastic video preview of #Avowed - it really looks so much more like my Eora than the early teasers and there is a THIRD PERSON CAMERA option, Mass Effect over the shoulder type, which will reduce the motion sickness I had to overcome in their otherwise enjoyable #OuterWorlds.
Good VGM 371 - The Outer Worlds - It's Rizzo's!
#OuterWorlds #OuterWilds #Rizzo #RPG #Obsidian #VideoGameMusic #Videogames #Music #VGM #GoodVGM
Dammit. I took a break from playing #OuterWorlds now I’m trying to complete the sublight quest but I can’t remember if I’m playing cold and ruthless or moral, so don’t know whether to kill the professor or not. The fact I know it doesn’t really matter makes it worse!
Ok, die Serie des Jahres steht auch schon fest :) #SecretLevel ist eine Anthologieserie von den Machern von #LoveDeathAndRobots die ua Stories aus #ArmoredCore, #DungeonsAndDragons, #MegaMan, #OuterWorlds, #UnrealTournament, #Warhammer40k und #GodOfWar erzählt. Ein Traum
#games #gaming #rpg #obsidian #outerworlds
Obsidian is known for good to read Roleplaying Games.
The game "Outer Worlds" is awesome. If you haven't played it yet, it's an action RPG with great depth combined with a good shooter mechanic.
Now you can get the "Spacers Choice" Edition (upgraded graphics) on #playstation5 for only 23,99 Euros, including all add-ons.
It's a clear recommendation by me ...
I'm about halfway through my second play through of The Outer Worlds and only just learned that companion special abilities are not automatically triggered and you have to activate them yourself.
Combat is way easier now.
#TheOuterWorlds #OuterWorlds #IAmGoodAtGame
Since the COVID brain fog is real I'm considering starting a dumb playthrough of The Outer Worlds. I need to get the dumb ending.
#TheOuterWorlds #OuterWorlds #IceCream
I finally finished The Outer Worlds today! What a great game. The plot twist in one of the DLCs made me gasp aloud.
The game is so funny and satisfying. The characters are great and the dialog is amazing.
I definitely recommend it and I can't wait for the sequel!
I'm really looking forward to #Avowed, too!
#TheOuterWorlds #OuterWorlds #ItsNotTheBestChoice #ItsSpacersChoice
Shout out to specifically whoever designed the leg armor in Outer Worlds because it gives you thicc thighs.
I played #OuterWorlds some years ago and liked. There was a free update to some "Spacers Choice" version with few dlls thrown in too, and thought it would be a good time for a replay. But the game crashes every few minutes. Uninstall.
My thoughts on The Outer Worlds.
I love the story, I find it intriguing, but the combat is underwhelming. There just isn't enough there to keep me. I could soldier on but if I'm 'working' my way through the combat to the next part of the story then we have a problem. I'll persist and see how long we last. I got the game for free on the-so-called Epic Store so nothing lost but bandwidth. I just wish there was more.
downloaded this game The Outer Worlds on EPIC games. i'm running it in heroic game launcherd flatpak but it's weird. the UI is fine, but once i'm in game it looks like i'm staring straight into the sun.