On this day
Lance Mackey made history! He became the 1st musher to win both the Yukon Quest & Iditarod in the same year—a feat never done before. A true underdog story of grit & resilience.
On this day
Lance Mackey made history! He became the 1st musher to win both the Yukon Quest & Iditarod in the same year—a feat never done before. A true underdog story of grit & resilience.
On this day in 1990, the sports world was shaken by the tragic loss of Hank Gathers, the star player from Loyola Marymount University.
Dive into this emotional journey
Heritage Fund: Capturing memories from four decades of the Island Games. “Taking place every two years, the competition has gone from strength to strength since the very first Inter-Island Games on the Isle of Man in 1985. A total of 28 different islands, island groups and territories from around the world have taken part. … Our funding – awarded to the Sporting Memories Foundation […]
Good Morning #Canada
On this day in 1936, Great Britain was awarded a Gold Medal in #Hockey at the 1936 ##WinterOlympics. It broke the streak of 4 straight Olympic wins by Canada, losing to a team that was 50% Canadian. The back story is fascinating and worth the long read, full of tidbits like: GB forward Gordon "Don" Dailley, who fought in the WWII, was one of the first to find Hitler’s bunker, burning his body with petrol.
#CanadaIsAwesome #SportsHistory
#DidYouKnow that #soccer in #Australia is at least 150 years old this year!
An early match took place at the #Woogaroo Lunatic Asylum in suburban #Brisbane, on 7 August #1875, when a team of inmates and wards men from the asylum played against the visiting Brisbane Australian rules football club.
For More History: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soccer_in_Australia
Finally releasing this research into the wild. Years ago I was deep into horse racing results from 1839 to 1845 using #TroveAU and it paid off. No back to the future wins but recovering forgotten historical context for a watercolour of the Adelaide Races by John Michael Skipper.
I identify this picture as a race for "gentlemen riders" on New Year's Day 1839 featuring a uniformed Captain Charles Berkeley. (This is a side outcome of the #S_T_Gill project.)
#Adelaide #historyAU #colonialArtAU #sportsHistory #horseRacing
New Article: https://coombe.id.au/1840s_South_Australia/New_Year_Races_by_Skipper.htm
Looking at racism circa 1910 through the prism of Jack Johnson and the boxing heavyweight championship.
TIL that Wilt Chamberlain wasn't very good at free throws (foul shots). So when he was at the line, sometimes he'd back up three steps and then charge forward and DUNK from 15 feet away!
College basketball and the NBA changed the rule because of him: now players have to keep their feet behind the line.
Highlighting baseball player's stats and career milestones, with a focus on his performance in the MLB.
Tags: Sports, Baseball, Journalism, Sports History
The second issue of the journal 'Les Sports Modernes' includes a paper by Rahul Kumar on Jesus Gil y Gil: "Football club presidents and the rise of contemporary populism. On ‘The pioneer’, the history of Jesus Gil y Gil".
A Chaotic Medieval Sport: La Soule à la Crosse https://www.medievalists.net/2024/10/medieval-sport-la-soule-a-la-crosse/ #Sports #MedievalHistory #SportsHistory
Nicklaus’ Golf Club Mix-up Costs Son BIG at U.S. Open #pga #golf https://www.golftweet.com/541224/ #celebrity #espn #extremesports #golf #JackNicklaus #livgolf #MaleGolfPlayer #obscuresports #PGA #sports #sportshistory #sportsopinion #UsOpenGolf #UsOpenHighlights #wideworldofsports #ジャック・ニクラス(JackNicklaus)
Open since 1871 means 1000s of Arlington Baths members have come through our doors, from very local, to very global! On National Sporting Heritage Day take a look at a few of them #NSHD2024 #Glasgow #SportsHistory #Swimming #SwimmingHistory #GlobalHistory
From Austria, pastor Adolphus Geyer built a church in #Woodlands for German-speakers, and ministered to travelling communities https://arlingtonbathshistory.co.uk/pastor-geyer/ 1/2
https://www.lovenhl.com/1246257/ Chris Wideman Retires: A Look Back at His NHL Journey #AtlanticDivision #CanadianHockey #CanadiensDeMontréal #ChrisWideman #defencemen #EasternConference #HockeyCareer #HockeyRetirement #KHL #MontrealCanadiens #NHL #NhlHighlights #OttawaSenators #SportsHistory #SportsNews
️ The first big conference of the season is upon us and the final programme is on our website: "The Chorus of the Crowd: Culture, Power, and Identities in Football Fandom" will take place at the Almada Negreiros of the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities on 5 and 6 September.
#OnThisDay, 25 Aug 1804, Alicia Meynell (aka Alicia Thornton) races at York races in England. Side-saddle.
She is now recognised as the first woman racing jockey.
Only 10 of the world's dozens of dependent territories (like #PuertoRico, #HongKong, and #Guam) are allowed to send their own teams to the #Olympics. Learn why in our "countries in the Olympics" explainer: https://www.polgeonow.com/2012/07/olympics-parade-of-nations.html
Bodies Aren’t Binary, So Why Are Sports?
"Athletics are being used to uphold dominant and oppressive power structures – but they should be for everyone."
Drawn by Colleen Tighe, posted on August 21, 2019. Not sure if there are image descriptions.
TIL skateboarding was totally banned in Norway for 11 years: "The Environment Ministry said protecting children is more important than letting big business make money."
The Pessimists Archive is a great blog about doomers and baseless panics of the past. My favorite is about beeper bans in schools in the 1980s.
️ We are quite ready to welcome the fandom of "The Chorus of the Crowd: Culture, Power, and Identities in Football Fandom" conference, kicking-off in two-months time.
Check out the programme and register for free: