Privacy helper for #Windows
The free tool "O&O ShutUp10++" helps to disable many concerning Windows features with one click.
It now supports disabling "Copilot" and the disturbing "Recall" feature as well.
Privacy helper for #Windows
The free tool "O&O ShutUp10++" helps to disable many concerning Windows features with one click.
It now supports disabling "Copilot" and the disturbing "Recall" feature as well.
"Microsoft’s Recall feature recently made its way back to Windows Insiders after having been pulled from test builds back in June, due to security and privacy concerns. The new version of Recall encrypts the screens it captures and, by default, it has a “Filter sensitive information,” setting enabled, which is supposed to prevent it from recording any app or website that is showing credit card numbers, social security numbers, or other important financial / personal info. In my tests, however, this filter only worked in some situations (on two e-commerce sites), leaving a gaping hole in the protection it promises.
When I entered a credit card number and a random username / password into a Windows Notepad window, Recall captured it, despite the fact that I had text such as “Capital One Visa” right next to the numbers. Similarly, when I filled out a loan application PDF in Microsoft Edge, entering a social security number, name and DOB, Recall captured that. Note that all info in these screenshots is made up, but I also tested with an actual credit card number of mine and the results were the same."
Is the general consensus that #Microsoft #Recall is just an excuse to train AI on all the stuff we otherwise wouldn't give them? Does this seem obvious to other people?
#Microsoft Recall screenshots credit cards and Social Security numbers, even with the "sensitive information" filter enabled
#MicrosoftRecall screenshots #creditcards and #SocialSecurity numbers (#SSN), even with the "sensitive information" filter enabled
Despite promising to filter personal data out, #Microsoft #Recall still captures it. On the bright side, Recall refused to capture the credit card fields when I went to the payment pages of two online stores – Pimoroni and Adafruit. In both cases, it only captured either the screens before and after the credit card entry form or a blank form.
@wchr solcher shice gehört als die verbotene #Stalkerware & #Spyware verboten die es ist.
Allein das Feilbieten jener Lösung sollte strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.
Understanding Microsoft Recall: What You Need to Know
If you take away only one thing from this video let it be this Recall only operates on Copilot Plus PCs
Featured in this week's newsletter:
#15 Hits pretty hard, especially in light of the recent #MicrosoftRecall debacle
#InfoSec nerds might want to check this out, while they're thinking about their life choices for (at least) the next 4 years
- 15 Remember. “If they try to normalize, let us try to denormalize. Let us hold on to facts, truths, values, norms, arrangements that are going to be under siege. Let us not forget what happened and why.”
- Writer Rebecca Solnit
#Microsoft verschiebt #Recall nochmals auf Dezember | heise online #MicrosoftRecall #Datenschutz #privacy
I'm officially off #windows with the upcoming #MicrosoftRecall > used it since Windows 3.1 > so long farewell > onto #linux #linuxmint
#UneTassedeTech️ en vidéo!
Apple #iMac #Macmini #MacBookPro M4
#ChatGPT Search
#Cybersécurité: 70% des attaques d’ici Noël. Les astuces de @TELUSfr .
Testés: Withings BPM, Reolink Argus 4 Pro
You might have a virus on your computer, it's called "Windows"
I used to say this jokingly sometimes, but damn if Microsoft isn't trying to make that a reality
Since #MicrosoftRecall is apparently now an explorer.exe DEPENDENCY.
@windowsonwindows And 25 years later they thought up an equally good idea that had just as many users asking for it, and they called it #MicrosoftRecall #recall #windows11
Microsoft Updates Recall Security Architecture Amid Controversy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritynews #MicrosoftRecall #Dataprotection #DataPrivacy #AISecurity #Microsoft
#Microsoft #Recall kommt mit Opt-In, mehr Filtern und #Verschlüsselung | heise online #encryption #Datenschutz #privacy #MicrosoftRecall ArtificialIntelligence
So, apparently #microsoft decided that the ability to uninstall #microsoftrecall from your #windows system is a " #bug ". This is so incredibly stupid that #microsoft can now be scientifically classed as a bunch of fuckwits. It's my computer. I decide what's on it and I decided no #ai crap on my computer. As long #recall is a mandatory part of windows, I wont be using it.
Anyone know if #Microsoft is being sued over Recall? I sure hope it is, ideally to either stop it or at least prevent it is optional. #Recall #AI #MicrosoftRecall
Windows 11 krijgt lokale genAI als verplicht onderdeel, met een aankomende update. Gebruik van deze alles-screenshottende tool was eerst opt-out maar zal straks toch wel opt-in zijn.
#genAI #Copilot #MicrosoftRecall
#AGConnect #SijthoffMedia
Just out of curiousity, for those who switched from Windows to Linux (either from Microsoft Recall or from CrowdStrike), who has stayed with Linux or who has moved back to Linux? And regardless of your decision, why? (if you feel comfortable sharing!)