#WordWeavers 13, If your MCs were music genres, what genres would they be?
That's an easy one. The band of my MCs is called Everlasting Roaring Thunder. They play Hard Rock and Metal, influenced by different bands like #JudasPriest, #ACDC, #MotleyCrue, #Motorhead, #Ratt and #Kiss.
So my MCs would all be some genre in this area. Perhaps each with a different focus.
Chris: Hard Rock
Jimi: Hard Rock or Blues
Sylvia: Heavy Metal
Arthur: Hair Metal
Tom: Thrash Metal
4 Punk Rock bands that Motörhead's Lemmy Kilmister liked
Seriously. The Motorhead Rum is actually really really good.
"Overkill" - Mötorhead
Lemmy later said, "What I hear is a record that's... well, too slow! We play those songs much faster now. For us, it was a stepping stone, which led to Bomber - although I think Overkill's a better record – and then on to Ace Of Spades. But what it did was prove we were a real band."
Wow! Another awesome rarity from Fossa Books!
Stone Deaf Forever: The Definitive Motörhead Collection CD box set. A compendium of 99 Motörhead tracks, including 19 previously unreleased, on five CDs. The set also includes an exclusive poster and 60 page booklet that features rare photos and an essay by Classic Rock's Mick Wall.
A must have item for Motörheadheads!
The CDs are in pristine condition.
Only £90 + shipping, what a bargain.
Heute sucht die #ThursdayFiveList Songs, in denen eines oder mehrere der fünf Elemente (Luft, Wasser, Erde, Feuer, Metal(l) vorkommt/en.
Unsere Wahl fiel auf folgende Lieder:
"Rapid Fire" von Judas Priest
"Fire Water Burn" von Bloodhound Gang
"Mother Earth" von Within Temptation
"Fire Fire" von Motörhead
"Metal on Metal" von Anvil
Enjoying the new reissue of this highly influential, iconic album by Motörhead. There is even a thrash metal band named after this album!
The band released three years that same year.
RIP Lemmy
Artist: Motörhead
Album: Overkill (1979)
Release: 2025 50th Anniversary reissue
Region: Europe
Label: BMG – 964126931
Guns, bombs and needle-drop genius: how AC/DC and Motörhead became the sound of World War II https://www.theguardian.com/music/2025/mar/04/acdc-motorhead-sas-rogue-heroes-peaky-blinders-the-bear #PeakyBlinders #Television #Motorhead #PJHarvey #Culture #TopBoy #Music #AC/DC
@ai6yr @paulknightly @rustoleumlove um, you are assuming a new car then. My beloved 4L I6 generally starts developing a rear main seal seepage somewhere about 200K miles if it's well cared for. My neighbor's didn't start leaking until over 300K miles. #motorhead #XJisTheBestJ
Es gibt 2025 zwar keinen 29.2., es wäre aber ne Schande, wenn das Kalenderblatt unter den Tisch fallen würde.
Das 2. Studioalbum #Overkill der #HeavyMetal Band #motörhead erreichte 1979 in UK Platz 24 und erst die deutschen Charts (Platz 96), 1 Jahr vor ihrem erfolgreichsten Album "Ace of Spades".
Eine der ausgekoppelten Singles "Overkill" erreichte Platz 39.
Metallica coverten 1995 ihn u.a. Als ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für den Frontmann Lemmy, der 2015 verstarb.
I've pretty much been addicted to this song since I heard it the other day so I had to try singing it. Of course it being Motorhead that's a pretty difficult thing to do as he had a pretty unique voice. Oh well ... I whipped out the good microphone for a bit and had a play .. a snippet of "God was never on your side" ... strange how I ended up singing in the church a few times as a kid and what I end up singing as and adult :D #singing #cover #motorhead
Just a few weeks before #lemmy died I saw him at the #sporthalle #hamburg #germany #motoerhead #motorhead he didn't looked good that day. The last time I saw this #legend #lemmykilmister
A l'ombre de mon bâton de colle.
Pochette de copie de cd bricolée avec des chutes de papier.
I'm in love with rock 'n' roll, it satisfies my soul
If that's how it has to be, I won't get mad
I got rock 'n' roll, to save me from the cold
And if that's all there is, it ain't so bad
Rock 'n' roll