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Overkill (2024) Available March 18

#horror#horrormovies#Overkill#RisingSunMedia – @RisingSunMedia – A dedicated true crime podcaster becomes entangled in a deadly game when she starts investigating the mysterious murder of a close friend. As she delves deeper into the case, uncovering shocking secrets and hidden truths, she inadvertently draws the attention of a ruthless serial killer […] …

#Overkill #Releases #ad #horror

Es gibt 2025 zwar keinen 29.2., es wäre aber ne Schande, wenn das Kalenderblatt unter den Tisch fallen würde.
Das 2. Studioalbum #Overkill der #HeavyMetal Band #motörhead erreichte 1979 in UK Platz 24 und erst die deutschen Charts (Platz 96), 1 Jahr vor ihrem erfolgreichsten Album "Ace of Spades".
Eine der ausgekoppelten Singles "Overkill" erreichte Platz 39.
Metallica coverten 1995 ihn u.a. Als ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für den Frontmann Lemmy, der 2015 verstarb.

The great battle of meta tags and #Plex continues to rage. Two bands both named #Overkill in one folder. Change one to Overkill L.A. and move to a folder called Overkill L.A., refresh metadata nope, update library nope, still in with Overkill. Remove OverkillLA files and folder out of where Plex finds music, update library. Then add them back, update library and adds them back to Overkill even though the artist tags are Overkill L.A. Ideas?

Continued thread

Open the conversation about:
Since both are valid, and maintained in the W3C rec, we must assume neither is recommended over the other in every use case instance scenario sitch'

#CSS #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #crossplatform #deviceneutrality

So... that said...
Which method is "better"?
They both seem to serve the same functional purpose, in the end.
my intended use is primarly and likely only to appear in a .css doc via <link rel="stylesheet">

**For the sake of conversation:**
Why do we have the ability to be more granular about the identity of the source?
See above "@ import" vs "@ font-face"

Also, for the sake of ... the same conversation, really:
[I personally am confident that #WebDeveloper extension exists only after extensive, and continued research]. I feel I could resolve that-- even If i don't know the technical logic leading to one or ther other-- @chrispederick 's extension, having shown the @-import rendered URL in this-- my most likely to be used enviroment-- it is safe for me to say, i can always trust that at-import is satisfactory, while the more granular aproach of @-font-face seems perhaps overkill for this purpose?



#MC張天賦 昨(1日)晚大年初四,在澳門為早前因病延期的尾場《This is MC 2 LIVE IN MACAU》個唱舉行補場。

MC在個唱上再次對沒有管理好自己身體致歉,大年初四祝大家最緊要身體健康!一身型格造型的MC,坐在裝甲車以新歌《 #百萬大道 》出場,並一連跳唱《 #Overkill 》及《This is MC》為個唱揭開序幕。

及至busking環節,MC與昔日busking好友Goo(陳澤鴻)合唱了《這裡等 》後正式與觀眾打招呼,說:「大家好!歡迎大家嚟到《This is MC 2》嘅澳門站,今日係遲咗嘅第5場,必須要同原本預咗1月5號嚟睇嘅朋友講聲抱歉!我自己管理不善,冇盡好一個歌手嘅責任,冇好好照顧自己嘅身體,所以搞到要延期,造成咗好多嘅不便,所以喺度同我嘅fans們...
#音樂 #演唱會 #名人 # #澳門 #旺角

As a longtime professional exaggerator, I have to laugh how flatschmucks try so hard to make their humdrum feel special in a way that just saps language of real highs and lows. Something unusual? "Insane!" Something good? "Amaaazing!" Something relatively common? "Iconic!" Busy place? "Vibrant!"

It's all those things "designed" for children by injecting bright clashing colors, as if that'll be enough to hide the cheap truth.

I have no crystal ball, though I'm starting to get a strong sense of his "concept of a plan."

🍊 and his secret club are going to go all in on The Great Rewire.

They're going to have the working class build it AND pay for it.

Upon its completion, they'll flip the switch that makes humans useless and celebrate with the largest fireworks display the planet has ever seen.

Unfortunately, it'll be the last Grand Finale for anyone not tucked away in an island fortress bunker like Z-Man in Hawaii. YouTubeEnjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.