Open the conversation about:
Since both are valid, and maintained in the W3C rec, we must assume neither is recommended over the other in every use case instance scenario sitch'
#CSS #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #crossplatform #deviceneutrality
So... that said...
Which method is "better"?
They both seem to serve the same functional purpose, in the end.
my intended use is primarly and likely only to appear in a .css doc via <link rel="stylesheet">
**For the sake of conversation:**
Why do we have the ability to be more granular about the identity of the source?
See above "@ import" vs "@ font-face"
Also, for the sake of ... the same conversation, really:
[I personally am confident that #WebDeveloper extension exists only after extensive, and continued research]. I feel I could resolve that-- even If i don't know the technical logic leading to one or ther other-- @chrispederick 's extension, having shown the @-import rendered URL in this-- my most likely to be used enviroment-- it is safe for me to say, i can always trust that at-import is satisfactory, while the more granular aproach of @-font-face seems perhaps overkill for this purpose?